Sawamura Daichi - Treat Yourself

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It was your first day off in about three months and you had absolutely no idea what to do.  You weren't used to having nothing to do.  You always seemed to be busy with school or work, so you didn't exactly have much time off.  

You sit up, throwing the duvet off of you.  A soft grunt comes from the spot next to you from a sleeping Daichi.  You glanced at the clock.  It was almost 9:00 a.m. and he had volleyball practice at 10:00.  You sighed slowly.  Waking up Daichi was, honestly, the worst part about dating him.  He was a grouch first thing in the morning, but he didn't seem to be getting up anytime soon and he needed to start getting ready.

You softly shake his shoulders.  "Daichi," you whisper, shaking him faster. "Daichi." Daichi rolls over onto his stomach. You mutter a few curse words before straddling his back.  You continued to shake him, every once in awhile giving his cheek a soft poke.  "Daichi!" You whined.

Daichi groaned, rolling over, knocking you off the bed.  The loud thud of your body hitting the floor was the final step in waking him up.  He bolted up, staring around the room with bleary eyes.  He looked down at you, rubbing his eyes.  "Y/N? What the hell?"

You forced yourself to your feet.  "It's time for you to get up, Daichi."

He looked at the clock before sighing and swinging his feet over the edge of the bed.  "Will you make coffee while I shower?" He asked, grabbing practice clothes from the dresser and shuffling off to the bathroom.


"So, what are you going to do today? You have the entire day off," Daichi asks, sipping his coffee as the two of you sat on the couch watching the morning news, waiting for Sugawara to come pick Daichi up.  

"I don't know. I really need to shave, so I may do that..." you mutter, running a hand along your calf, feeling the prickles of hair beginning to grow back. 

He chuckled, the caffeine finally starting to wake Daichi and turn him into his normal self.  "Well, I'm sure you'll have a good day, no matter what you do."  He pulled you to him by your shoulders and placed a small kiss on your temple.  "I'll see you when I get home, okay?"

"Alright.  Bye, Daichi," you say, leaning up to peck his lips.

"Bye, Y/N," he called as he grabbed his practice bag and left you alone in the apartment.  

You released a heavy sigh, propping your feet up on the couch.  You flipped through the channels on the television, but, for some reason, you couldn't keep the thought of your prickly legs off your mind.  You rose from your spot, making your way to the bathroom, sock clad feet padding softly against the hardwood floors of the apartment. You put the plug in the drain of the bathtub and started running the water. 

You opened up the closet next to the tub and looked over the different bath bombs that were sitting in the little basket on the top shelf.  "Where is it..." You mumble, searching for your favorite; the one that smells like sea water and ocean air, well, that's what the packaging said anyway.  You just liked it because it was blue and sparkly. "Ah ha!" You finally grab the perfect bath bomb out of the basket and toss it in the rapidly rising water, watching it fizz and bubble.  

You undress and ease yourself down into the hot water after starting your playlist.  All you wanted to do today was relax.  You were going to pamper yourself and maybe when you finished your bath, you'd go get your nails done.  They were starting to look pretty bad, seeing as they hadn't been manicured in well over a year. But, you just shrugged it off.  Right now, all you cared about was getting perfectly smooth legs.

So, you lathered up and began dragging your razor up your legs until all the hair was gone.  And, you were proud to say that you only cut yourself once! Although, it was right at your ankle so it wasn't the most pleasant cut. But, despite everything, you exfoliated and let the water run down the drain.  

You were just laying on the couch in a pair of shorts and tank top when the front door opened.  "Daichi! Daichi!" You shouted excitedly, running towards him.  

He gave you a strange look, putting his hand on your head, feeling your face. "You don't have a temperature... You feeling okay?  You're oddly excited to see me?"

"Feel my legs!"


"Feel. My. Legs!" You say again, holding up one of your legs and forcing Daichi to run his hand over your now smooth calf.  

"Holy shit," he said in amazement. 

"I know!"

"It's so smooth!"

"I know!" You shouted again. 

"This is amazing," he mumbled.  "Suga has got to feel this..." He says, letting go of your leg to go call Sugawara over.


"Oh, my God!" Sugawara shouts, holding your leg and pressing his cheek against your smooth calf.  "They're so smooth!"

"I know!" You and Daichi shout at once.

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