Kuroo Tetsurou - Drunken Words

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*okay a few things before we start:
• There's a lot of sexual language used, so that would in anyway make you uncomfortable, feel free to skip this chapter.
• All characters are aged up to the appropriate ages, because I am a responsible adult and do not condone underage drinking*

“So, what’d you tell him this time?” Kuroo asks, pulling his jeans back on, staring at you through dark fringe.

“I was cold and wanted a hoodie.  And I’ll tell him that I went to the bathroom when he asks what took so long.”  You shrug, reapplying your lip gloss in the front camera of your phone.  Neither of you really remembered how long this had been going on, the cheating, the hooking up at parties, the making out in the privacy of your dorm room.  You wouldn’t say that you were proud of being a cheater, but Kuroo’s lips felt so incredible against yours and you loved how he pulled away from each and every kiss looking like an absolute disheveled love-struck puppy. 

You can’t remember Daisho ever looking at you like that in all of your time together.  High school sweethearts turned college power couple, it felt wrong to cheat, but your love for him was running thin.  You kept telling yourself that this was just a phase and that you just needed to get these feelings out of your system, but they never left.  Each kiss with your boyfriend was nothing in comparison to the butterflies that Kuroo brought to your chest.  

You cared for Daisho, really, but there had always been this weird power dynamic between the two of you.  He had an air of superiority that had been there long before you started dating.  You had been foolish to believe that growing up would change that aspect about him.  Yet, there was something that always kept you tied to him, refusing to tell him goodbye and run into Kuroo’s awaiting arms where you knew you belonged.  

Kuroo, rightfully, didn’t love the arrangement.  But, what was he going to do about it?  He wasn’t the one dating that snakey bastard, so who was he to dictate how you ran your relationship?  But it hurt.  It hurt a lot.  Seeing you around campus with Daisho’s arm slung around your shoulders, pulling you tightly into his side.  Letting you into the frat house, knowing that you weren’t there to see him.  Walking past the two of you nestled in the living room, sharing quiet conversations and short kisses. It should’ve been him with you.  Kuroo held so much love and adoration for you, yet it was all for naught.  He couldn’t hold your hand in public or cover your face in tiny fleeting pecks.  He wasn’t allowed to drape his jacket around your shoulders in the fall when the air grew chilly.  

He gave up trying to convince you to break up with Daisho a long time ago and just opted for enjoying what little intimate time he was able to get with you.  Kuroo swipes the back of his hand over his mouth, ridding his lips the remnants of your pink lip gloss.  He walks out ahead of you, making sure the halls are clear of anyone who could report your suspicious activity back to Daisho.  “Okay, I’ll see you downstairs,” he says, giving you a short kiss on your cheek before parting ways so you could go get a sweatshirt from Daisho’s room.  

Kuroo thudded down the stairs, trying to act as normal as possible as he weaved through the crowd of college students.  “Hey, Kuroo!”  He twisted towards the voice, seeing his Bokuto waving excitedly at him from the house’s kitchen.  The two grinned, doing a quick fist bump before tapping their solo cups together.  “Where you been, man?  We’ve been looking for you for like fifteen minutes!”

Kuroo looked over the edge of his cup at his friend.  Bokuto knew exactly where he had been.  All of his friends knew.  It’s not like his little affair with you was a secret between them. Hell, you had been invited to quite a few hang out sessions, Kuroo grabbing for your hand the moment you would arrive, desperate for some kind of skinship without fear of being caught.  But, more often than not, he was just left to watch from a distance as you lived your life, comfortable in the arms of your boyfriend.

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