Sawamura Daichi - Please?

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You pulled your boyfriend through the store. The two of you were supposed to shopping for lamps to go in the apartment you had just begun renting together. But, you were being distracted by all the other types of décor that was available to you.

"Y/N, we're not here to look at tables. We have a table," Daichi says as he's pulled to a stop in front of the table display. 

"I know, but look at this one!" You say, pointing to a black one with little cherry blossoms painted on the top.

"Yes, I know, but look at the price." Daichi leans down, holding the price tag in his hand. "I love you, but we can't afford that."


"C'mon. We need to go look for lamps." It's his turn to drag you through the store. He pulls you back to the front of the store where he remembers seeing a bunch of table lamps.

You gasp and stop moving. "Daichi."

"What? What's wrong?" He asks, spinning around, looking you over.

You say nothing and just point to the thing that forced you to stop. Daichi follows where you're pointing and his expression falls into a look of pure exasperation. "Can we get it?" You ask.

"We do not need a painting of a fox in a suit!"

"But, it's so cute!" You argue.

"You know what is also cute?" Daichi asks.

"The one of a moose in a sweater."

"I was going to say lamps..."

"But, I don't want lamps!" You whine.

"Maybe not, but we do need them."

"Can't we just live in the dark like creatures of the night?!"

"No," he says simply, pulling you away from the paintings.

You groaned, trying to resist Daichi's strong grip on your arm. He stops you in front of the lamps, holding you by the shoulders so you can't run off to find more strange décor that you think just has to be in the apartment. "What do you think about this one?" He asks, pointing to a simple silver table lamp.

"That one's nice. I like this one though," you say, picking up one that has a tiger face painted onto the base.

"Of course you do," he sighs. "Look, it's cool. I will admit that I think it's cool, but it doesn't match any of our furniture."

"Daichi, we don't have any furniture yet..."

"We have a table and that lamp does not match our table."

"We could return that table, get the one I like and then we can get this lamp."

"We can't even afford the table by itself! How are we going to pay for it and this lamp that costs..." he pauses looking at the price tag. "Way too much," he says, taking the lamp away from you and putting it up on the top shelf where you can't reach it.

You turn in his arms and pout. "But, Daichi... I want it..."

"I know you do, but it's too much."

"You know what isn't too much?" You ask.

"These lamps?" He offers, picking up the ones he wanted in the first place.

"No. My dapper looking fox!"

"We're not getting the fox. No matter how dapper he looks."

"But, Daichi!"

"We're getting these lamps," he says, starting to walk to the check-out counter.

"Please, Daichi!" You plead, holding onto his jacket.


"Please!" You whine, sliding down him.

"No," he says sternly.

"Please!" You say a little louder, getting on your knees and begging in front of him.

"No, Y/N."

"Daichi, please!" You latch yourself onto his leg.

"Y/N, get off my leg." He reaches down, trying to peel you off his pant leg.

"Not until you let me get the picture."


"I can get it?!"

"No. You can stay on my leg," he says, walking with a great deal of difficulty to pay for his lamps. You lean your head against his leg as you're dragged through the store. "While you're down there, will you do me a favor?"

"I'm not tying your shoe unless I can have the painting."

"Go get it," he says, rubbing his face with his hand.

"Yay! Thank you, Daichi!" You shout, running through the store to go get the painting.


"I don't like it..." You say, sitting on the mattress on the floor (you two hadn't bought bed frames yet) of your bedroom that was being illuminated by the new lamps.


"What? It doesn't look as cool as it did now that it's hanging up."

Daichi groaned, flopping back on the mattress. "We'll take it back tomorrow..."

"Can we get the tiger lamp instead?"

"Go to bed," he orders, turning away from you.

"Is that a yes?"


"Yes, Daichi?"

"Go to bed."

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