Terushima Yuuji - Tutoring

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The volleyball captain laid across the floor of your bedroom on his stomach, watching you steadily as you finished unpacking your backpack for the evening. You finally plop the Chemistry book on the carpet in front of him before sitting in front of him. Terushima thumbs through the pages sadly. "I don't want to do this..." He mutters.

"Do you want to take it again when you fail?" You ask, grabbing his binder from his small stack of books.

"Not really," he says, finally turning to the correct chapter.

"That's what I thought," you conclude, opening his binder only to stare at it wide-eyed.


You pull out a packet that's basically all yellow highlighter now. "What the hell happened to this?!"

"He said to highlight the important stuff. That's what I did."

"Terushima-kun, that's not what he meant. I'm pretty sure the heading 'Quarks and Their Flavors' is not important information."

"It seemed important at the time," he whined, swiping the packet from your hands so you would stop ridiculing his notes.

"I swear, you don't even pay attention. It looks like you sit and draw the entire class period!" You exclaim, flipping through pages and pages of doodles only finding a few pages with actual notes.

"Not the entire class period... Just most of it."

"You're never going to pass if you don't pay attention."

"I'd pay attention if he wasn't so boring! Besides, this stuff is hard. I don't understand any of it."

"You don't understand because you don't pay attention!"

"I'd pay attention if you were my teacher," he smirked, eyeing you up and down.

You push your hand in his face. "We're here so you can learn chemistry. Not so you can hit on me."

"Can't we do both?"


"Call me Yuuji already. Terushima is way too formal," he says, rolling over to his back so he can stare at your ceiling. "Just ask me questions or something. I don't know what else to do."

"Fine. What's a hadron made up of?"

He tilts his head back so he can look at you. "What the fuck is a hadron."

"Did you even read this packet?!"

Yuuji takes the packet from your hands, looking it over. "Nope."

"Terushima Yuuji! How am I supposed to help you understand something you haven't even read?!" You shout, smacking his shoulder.

"You could read it to me."

"You are 17 years old! Read the damn packet yourself, Yuuji-san!"

"But, Y/N-chan," he whined.

"But nothing."

He groaned, reaching out to you, taking your hands in his. "We should study Biology instead. I know all about that."

"That makes one of us," you mutter, looking away from him. It was no lie that you were horrible in Biology. It was something that didn't interest you, so you struggled to pay attention. You took good notes but they never made sense to you.

"See? I can help you in Bio now and we can study Chemistry later, okay?"

"Fine. Give it your best shot."

"People are made up of six main elements. Phosphorus," he states, kissing the tip of your thumb. "Carbon," another kiss, this time on your index finger. "Hydrogen. Oxygen. Nitrogen. And sulfur." With the last element he pulls you down to kiss your lips. "Do you know what our domain is?" He whispers against your lips.

You shake your head, your face heating up from the close proximity. You had been dating Terushima for about a few months now, but the way his kisses drove you crazy was something you weren't sure you would ever get over.

"Domain: Eukarya. Kingdom: Animilia. Phylum: Chordata. Class: Mammalia. Order: Primates. Family: Hominidae. Genus: Homo. Species name: Homo sapiens." His lips brushed over the skin of your jaw with every word, causing you to savor each and every word that escaped his lips. "How about Anatomy? How are you with that? Do you know the bones?"

You, once again, shake your head. There's a soft click of the tongue as Terushima shakes his head, his hair tickling your features. "We have a test over that tomorrow," he says.

"I was going to study later," you say, trying to keep your voice steady as he pushes you down against the carpet.

"Of course you were. You are a good little girl, after all." He straddles your waist, looking down at you with an amused expression. "What's this bone?" He asks, tracing his thumb over your collar bone.


"Good." He pressed a kiss to your lips. "How about this one?" Yuuji moved his hand to your arm, moving his fingers down the side closest to the pinky.

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do. It starts with a 'U'."


"Impressive. And this one?" He ran his index finger slowly down the center of your chest, smirking as you captured your bottom lip between your teeth. He watched as your eyes closed, a sign that you were trying to block him out so you could focus on the names of these bones and not on the teenager on top of you, whom was doing one hell of a job to get you to remember your bones.


"Wrong. That's back here." He says, moving off of you, lifting you slightly so he can place his hand there. "What's the other word that starts with an 'S'?"


"That's the shoulder blade, Y/N-chan."


"There we go. You're doing pretty well so far, Y/N-chan."

He went over all of the bones with you, fingers dancing happily across your skin with each one. Yuuji happily rewarded you with each bone correctly guessed on the first try with a small kiss, leaving you desperate to keep getting them correct so you could keep feeling his lips against yours.


You raced to the volleyball gym, your Anatomy test in hand, ready to show Terushima your work. He stopped mid-serve when he saw you. A broad smile came over him as he tossed the ball to another player, jogging over to you. You simply held up the test, showing him the perfect score written across the top in red pen.

"See? I'm a good tutor. Maybe you should pick up my techniques when you help me with Chemistry later tonight," he says, giving you a soft wink as he ran back to the court.

A/N: This was pretty shitty and I'm sorry....

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