Bokuto Kotarou - Got Cake?

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(Baker!Bokuto x reader)

"You've got to be kidding me!" You whine, digging through your dresser drawers. Where are they? I know I put them away last night. Did I- Your train of thought takes you to your closet, flipping through your clothes in case you might've hung them up instead of folding them and putting them in your dresser. You groan slumping down on the edge of the bed. All you wanted was a pair of leggings and all of your other pairs were in laundry.

Then it hit you. Bokuto had gone into the bakery today. He did not- You immediately dial the number to your boyfriend's bakery and wait and wait while the phone rings.

"Thank you for calling Got Cake where we've got enough cake to share. This is Akaashi." Akaashi sighs as he repeats the customary greeting.

"Akaashi, it's Y/N."

Bokuto's business partner immediately brightens a little at the sound of your familiar voice. "Please come get him. He's made me taste the same frosting 20 different times. I think all the vanilla extract is starting to deplete his brain cells. Well, what few he has left . . ."

"Great. So, he is there? Do you know what pants he has on?"


"Pants, Akaashi. What pants is Bokuto wearing?"

"Uh . . . I don't know. He's got those tear-away pants on," Akaashi's confusion evident through the phone.

"No. Like, under those. What is he wearing?"

"Why does it matter?"

"I'm pretty sure he stole my leggings."

Akaashi pauses, trying to figure out he's supposed to handle this situation. College didn't train him for this . . . "Hang on, I'll let you talk to him."

The line goes quiet and then suddenly you're pulling the phone away from your ear at the abrupt change in volume as your boyfriend's booming voice fills your ear. "Hey, hey, hey! What's going on, babe?"

"Bokuto, are you wearing my leggings?"

"Aw, come on, babe. No 'hello?'" You don't even have to see his face to know that there's a very high chance that he's pouting right now. As quickly as his sadness hit, it was washed away as he started talking a million miles per hour again. "Oh, wait! I'm actually really glad you called! Remember how you wanted me to try to make mint chocolate cupcakes?"

"Yeah, and I told you that they needed more mint."

"Yeah! Well, I've been messing with the recipe all day and I think I finally got it! I can bring one home later, if you want."

"No, I can come down there. I want my leggings, Bo."

"How do you know that I am wearing them? I'm not saying that I am, but like, how would you know?"

"Girlfriend's intuition. I'll see you soon."

"Okay. See you soon, babe." The phone clicks as he hangs up.

You shake your head in disbelief. He really stole your pants. Since leggings are off the table, you opt for a pair of Bokuto's sweatpants. You'd heard of couples sharing shirts before, but taking your significant other's leggings? This- this was new to you. You grabbed a pair of his shorts and shoved them in your bag. You were getting your pants back whether he liked it or not.


The bell above the door jingled as you marched into the brightly painted bakery. A few people looked up from their laptops at the sudden interruption to the relatively quiet atmosphere. Upon seeing you, Akaashi poked his head into the kitchen. "Y/N's here."

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