Sugawara Koushi - The Poet + Important Author Note

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Here is the second installment to my three part collection of pieces inspired by the song "Soldier, Poet, King."  Please remember that these pieces are not connected in anyway other than drawing inspiration from the same song (also enjoy my questionable poetry skills).

Picture this,

A world in which

There was no fear

Where you and I

Could sing and strum

And have our fun

Without the threat

Of the King shouting,

"Off with their heads!"

The cheers of a small crowd were met with a hearty laugh and small words of thanks as coins were tossed into the troubadour's cap. His silver locks kept being tossed gently in the breeze, a near perfect physical representation of the ease with which he carried himself as he hopped down from the stone wall that had been used as the stage for his brief performance. An easy smile was plastered on his face, a grin so wide that you were sure his cheeks were hurting, but no matter how long you watched him from the edge of the crowd, that smile never faded.

You had heard about him, the way that his words never failed to draw a mass of people to listen to his tales, his poems, his songs. He frequently told of his hopes and his dreams, wrote lyrics of his disapproval of the current kingdom affairs, and made his audience smile with beautifully framed words.

He was every bit as charming as the words that danced off of that silver tongue of his. He was swarmed by ladies and gentlemen alike, each looking to get to know the ethereal poet a little better, wishing to bestow their good graces upon him, showering him in trinkets of their affections, handkerchiefs, pins, small envelopes that enclosed the profession of their love. Each gift and flirtatious word was met with a smile and a gentle, "Thank you, my sweet."

But, none of it mattered to him. Those wide brown eyes had settled on the enchanting gaze of the hooded figure who always stood at the far edge of his audience, almost melting into the shadows, the troubadour was afraid that if he dared to look away, those twinkling eyes would disappear, never to return again. You never approached him. You only ever applauded at the end of his performance, disappearing as quickly as you had arrived.

Come one, come all

To listen to my daunting tale

Of unrequited affection

Of a darling long gone.

Elegance and mystery

Shrouding over my love,

Eyes bright with passion

For another that is

Not I.

And just like always, the end of another performance had your form retreating away, tugging at the edges of your hood to make sure that it shrouded your identity. Sugawara Koushi was left only to stare at the edge of your cloak billowing in the gentle summer breeze as you weaved your way through the crowds of the market. No matter how high he stood on his toes or how wide he wished he could spread his wings, you were always so far away. To speak to you once, to see that teasing smile that always danced on your lips whenever he uttered a line against the kingdom, to be able to kiss your hands. They were all dreams that were yet to be fulfilled.

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