Yamaguchi Tadashi - This Life and The Next

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Soulmate/Reincarnation AU in which soulmates are reborn at their end of their life so that they can spend another lifetime together.

"My love," you mutter weakly, turning your head to look at your husband. You had both aged substantially in this life, reaching your 80s, growing a wonderful life and a wonderful family together.

Your husband smiled at you warmly, taking your aged hand in his. "I'm right here, sweetheart. I'll always be right by your side." The tears had started to well in his eyes. No matter how many times he went through this, it never got easier. Each time he sat beside you in your final moments, it seemed to hurt more than the last.

"Thank you for such an amazing life," you say, holding his weary face in your hand. He presses his cheek into your palm, relishing in the feeling of you against his skin this last time.

"I promise that the next one will be even better."

Laughter bubbles in your chest but it's quickly replaced with a heavy cough. You catch your husband as he is about to call for someone to help you. You simply wave off his concern. "You say that at the end of every life, my love."

"Because, no matter how many times we get to be together, I want to give you the best life possible." He places a soft kiss on your forehead as he sees your heartbeat on the monitor begin to weaken, knowing that any moment could be the very last. "I promise, sweetheart. I will find you again and I will build another beautiful life with you. I've done it hundreds of times before and I will do it again."

"Just don't eat raw chicken and die in your thirties again, okay?"

"That was five lifetimes ago!" He laughed.

Then, silence.

"I love you, you know. And I always will."

"And I, you. In this life and the next."


"Did you hear that we're getting a new student, Tsukki?" Yamaguchi bubbled excitedly. After all, it wasn't every day that there was a mid-year transfer. "I hear she's moved here all the way from Osaka!"

Tsukishima looks at him over his glasses. "Why do I care?"

"Well, I don't know. But, it's kind of cool! I mean, of all the places she could've come, she came to Karasuno! It's like some kind of wild fate."

"Of all the places, why would she want to come here? There's nothing really special about this place."

"Oh, come on, Tsukki. What if it's your soulmate? Doesn't that at least pique your interest a little?"

"No. Not really. I have my whole life to find my soulmate again. And after the last life, I'm not excited to see them again," Tsukki grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Weren't you the one who instigated the fight in the first place?" Yamaguchi asks, recalling the story from his friend.

"That doesn't mean that they get to hit me with a car!"

Yamaguchi laughs a little. Tsukishima's annoyed glare brings his giggles to a slow halt. "Sorry, Tsukki. But, you have to admit, looking back on it, it's kind of funny."

"You say that because it wasn't you."

The pair ducked into their classroom as the bell rang, signalling the start of their day. Yamaguchi nearly tripped over his own feet at the sight of the person standing in front of the room next to the teacher. Why did you look so familiar to him? Had he maybe seen you on a vacation with his family once? No. That wasn't it. But it was something. Something about you grabbed the air from his lungs, a feeling he had grown quite used to in all of his reincarnations.

You felt it too. That breathless shock that flushed your cheeks as you met those all-too-familiar sweet brown eyes. The same brown eyes that you've lovingly stared at for centuries. A small "Oh" escapes you as the teenager takes another step forward, examining you closer.

His hand reaches up to touch a scar on your nose. "I remember when you first got that. We got that new car model."

"But you didn't know how to drive," you offer, your voice just a soft whisper as if it were just the two of you, alone all over again.

"And I slammed on the breaks."

"I hit my face against the dash."

"I'm still sorry about that," Yamaguchi laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. He looks away from you as his cheeks heat up, suddenly very aware that every pair of eyes in the room were on the two of you.

"So, what's your name in this life?"

"Yamaguchi Tadashi. Yours?"

"Y/L/N Y/F/N."

He gives you that same warm smile that he's been giving you in every life, making his eyes squint just as they always have. Just like every other time the two of you had been together, he'd get smile lines early into his adulthood. His crow's feet would be apparent as he reached his 40s, just like always. Because, no matter what reiteration of your life it was, he was always so happy to be with you. So happy to find you and give you the life that you deserve all over again.

Everything disappears around him at the feeling of your lips pressed against his. He knows this feeling and, yet, it still never fails to leave him absolutely breathless at how perfectly the two of you mesh together in every lifetime. The eyes of his peers are forgotten as his hands find your face, enjoying just how perfectly your cheeks fit in his palms. He's the first to pull away, shallow pants as he tries to regain his senses

Yamaguchi finds himself placing a soft kiss on your forehead before resting his head against yours. "It's really good to see you again, sweetheart," he whispers, speaking to the only person in the world that matters in this moment.

"It's good to see you again too, my love."

"I told you I'd find you. And I'll do it again and again."

"In this life and the next, right?"

"In this life and the next."

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