Miya Atsumu - The Soldier

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This is the first installment to a three part collection that I started over on Tumblr!  Each part focuses on a different character with a different profession.  So, here, we have Atsumu as the soldier, Sugawara will be playing the poet in the next installment, and Oikawa will be the King for the final part!  *please note all of these stories are seperate from one another, they just all hold the similar inspiration!*

June 28

My love,

I pray that this letter finds you well. The months that have drifted by where I have not been able to see your smile have caused nothing but heartache. But, the prospects of seeing you once again fills me with even more determination to come home to you. Each night that passes is one night closer to this war being over and one day closer to being by your side again.

I sense that this will draw to a close soon. There is talk amongst the troops that our final attack will be launched within the coming months after the adequate preparation is made. I hope that you think of me during these trying times. Knowing that I have crossed your mind for even an instant is enough to stay alive. My love, I wish to return to you as soon as possible. We can finally seal our love and begin a new life together, that's a promise. Please know that I think of you each minute of every day. You are in my head at this very moment while I scribe this letter to you. Waking and asleep, I yearn only to have you in my company once more.

I hope that you write back quickly. While I am many miles from you, these letters that carry the faintest hints of your perfume are my only piece of you. It is nothing compared to the real thing, but I will gratefully take what I can. Until the next, my love.


Miya Atsumu

The small piece of parchment is folded and slipped back into the drawer of a nightstand where it will wait to be read again the next day. The ink had begun to fade, the edges worn from constant handling. It had been nearly three months without any sort of communication from your beloved. There had not been a single letter come through the post with your name written across the envelope in his messy script, but every day you still ran out to greet the postman, that tiny light of hope still shining brightly within you, even if only for a few moments. But, it would only be diminished as the mail was handed to you and just as it had been for the past three months, the postman would smile sadly, knowing just as well as you did that there was no letter from Atsumu.

Your heart kept repeating over and over that he was fine, that maybe he was so busy getting ready for the end of the war that he didn't have time to write to you. Maybe his letters were getting lost in the mail and there were half a dozen envelopes with your name on them sitting in a pile of letters. But, even you knew that that was a far stretch of the imagination. The others who had found love in the arms of military men had been hearing from their own sweethearts. It was the height of conversation during every encounter. "Have you heard from him?" "Yes! I just got a new letter last week. And you? Has he written to you?" And each conversation was only met with a saddened expression when you explained that, no, he hadn't written to you in a while. You were always assured with a delicate embrace that he would write soon, but as time ticked by, those reassurances began to make you feel worse and worse.

He promised that he would be back. He promised to make you happy, grow a life with you. If there was one thing you knew better than anything, it was that Miya Atsumu never broke his promises to you. But, that heavy feeling that you found sinking further and further in your stomach each night was becoming difficult to ignore. Each day that passed without a word from him was just another day where you came closer to believing the worst. Surely, though, if something had happened to him, someone would've told you. One of his friends from the military would've written to you or, at the very least, you thought that Osamu would've told you about how his brother was doing, but there was nothing. No one was able to inform you of Atsumu's condition and the unknown was eating away at you with every passing hour.

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