Akaashi Keiji - Goodbye, My Princess

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Low-key a prologue to the previous chapter 👀 but also it stands alone just fine and hi, i love this piece

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Everything had been peaceful for so long, so why now? What about the peace treaty? Did that piece of paper mean nothing? It had been so long since the first time that you had heard your people's screams and cries for help. But, now ten years later, those mournful screams were echoing all around you again. The clang of metal on metal as swords were swung in a heated battle to save the kingdom.

They had come in the night, cloaked in inky darkness, to launch their attack. The loud noise of a projectile coming into contact with the palace gates being the only warning that they had arrived. And within minutes, he was there. Just like he always was when there was the threat of danger. His normally messy black curls looked even wilder as he had been yanked from his sleep. Those normally tired eyes carried an extra wave of exhaustion, but nothing could mask the looks of distress evident on his face. Akaashi Keiji had been peacefully sleeping before he was called to do his rounds of duty, but the sudden crash that had the ground shaking beneath his feet had jolted him awake. The other knights around him were scrambling to get their armor back on. It was the hurried mannerisms of those around him that had him quickly on his feet, his armor clanking heavily with every step as he ran towards the main section of the castle. The princess.

Akaashi could see the banner of the Riviere Kingdom rustiling steadily in the breeze of the night. An enemy no one could've anticipated, but here they were, trying to storm the castle anyway. His heavy hand on your door accompanied his desperate pleas. "Princess Y/N! Princess, are you alright?" He was expecting a lot of things, honestly. He was expecting you to be fearful, the memories of the last attack plaguing your mind. He was expecting tears and gentle shakes of your body. Akaashi, however, was not expecting you to fling yourself onto him when you pulled open the door. The sudden momentum had him stumbling back, but he still wrapped his arms tightly around you, letting you bury your face into his neck. "Princess, we're under attack. I need to get you to the safe house."

"What about my parents? Are they coming with us?"

"No, my princess. I was given the orders that if this day were to come, look out only for you. I'm sorry, but I assure you that the other knights will escort them as well. Come, we don't have much time."

And with a slow nod, you took his outstretched hand and let him lead you away, down, down, down spirals of stairs. From above, the sounds of battle began to intensify, fear halting you in your tracks. "Princess, I know that you're worried about the king and queen, but please, we must keep moving," Akaashi pleads, tugging your hand gently.

It was only then when the shouts of soldiers began to echo through the darkness that Akaashi Keiji halted in his steps too. The grip that he had on your hand tightened fiercely, the slowly darkening look on his face was illuminated by the low torch light. There were heavy footsteps, dozens of them, all coming closer and closer to your very location. He pushed the torch into your hands, drawing his broadsword from its sheath. "I need you to make a promise to me, your highness. From this moment forward, you will do exactly what I say. If I tell you to run, you run and you will not look back. If I tell you to hide, you put out that torch and hide. Don't come out until I say so, do you understand? Can you promise me that?"


"It is my duty to protect you at all costs and that is what I'm going to do. Your life is much more valuable than mine and I will do everything in my power to protect it. Please, make me this promise, Princess."

"I promise, Akaashi, but only if you promise that you will come back to me. I don't want to lose you."

The knight that had been by your side since you were fifteen could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He had been with you every step of the way and there were times when it felt like more than just a work-only relationship. The way that you joked around with him while he watched over you during your equestrian lessons, the light punches to his arm when he whispered some snarky remark back to you. There was so much laughter and joy that encompassed the two of you that this moment was such a startling comparison, but his first priority right now was to keep you safe, not place that long-desired kiss to your plush lips. "I can't promise you that, but I swear on my life that I will do what I can to make you happy."

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