Kuroo Tetsurou - Caution: Contents Are Hot and Dangerous + TAG GAME!

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*Vampire!Kuroo x Human!Reader but also?? low-key a coffee shop au?*

It seemed like something straight out of a coffee shop fanfiction AU. The dorky barista who now knew your coffee order by heart, always asking about your day as he brewed your latte. He would write you little notes on your cup, usually some lame science joke that would bring you back up to the counter, asking him to explain it to you. You would watch his face fill with a smile, eyes shining as you take interest in what he's saying, the setting sun casting long shadows throughout the quiet cafe.

Wednesday evenings had become Kuroo's favorite shifts as it was the one time a week when you would indulge him with your presence. Once 6:30 would hit, every jingle of the bell above the door would cause his heart to thump a little harder, in hopes to see your bright smile. Your school bag always sat heavily on your shoulders, tired eyes from a long day at university, but the happiness that spread over your face when you saw him leaning his long form over the counter, that lazy smile plastered on his lips, it made the whole atmosphere feel ten times lighter.

Today was no different. You pushed open the door, clutching your wallet, looking over the menu as if you were going to try something new, just like you always did. Standing in line behind the other customers, Kuroo couldn't help but try to rush through taking orders and making beverages, just wanting to get you to the front of the line, just wanting to see you smile up at him.

"Vanilla latte with soy milk and an extra half shot of espresso," Kuroo said, already punching the drink order he knew better than the periodic table into the cash register as you stepped up to the counter.

"$4.26," you answer, handing him your card to swipe, but rather he pushed it back towards you, that staple lazy smile dancing across his face.

"It's on the house today. Consider it a thank you for being such a loyal customer."

"I can pay, really. It's no problem." You try to hand him your debit card once more, but he just shakes his head, laughing lightly as he pushes it back once again.

"No, seriously. Don't worry about it," he says, scribbling your name and a little joke onto your cup. "So, how was class? It was psych and- hang on, don't tell me," he pauses, tapping the pen against his chin in thought. "French!"

You tilt your head in confusion, but yet a small laugh still escapes you. "How'd you know?"

"Easy. You always sit at the table by the window and copy notes from your psychology book and your French book."

"Very observant of you, but I'm just going to work on French today. I have a test tomorrow," you explain, watching him attempt to make a cool design on the top of your drink, but inevitably failing and just creating a blob in the foam.

"I'm going to figure out how to do latte art one of these days, just you wait." He smiles teasingly as he places the lid on your cup, handing it to you. A small pink tinge dusts over his cheeks as his fingers brush over yours in the exchange. "Careful, it's- it's still hot," Kuroo mutters, moving his eyes down towards the counter, letting his bangs fall into his face in a desperate attempt to hide the heat that had risen to his cheeks.

But, if you did notice, you didn't say anything, instead you examine the cup, just like always. This week, under your name was a circle, a few Fes scattered around the perimeter. It appeared to be standing on some stilts, but you could've stared at it for hours and still not know what the hell you were looking at. "Kuroo, these are just getting harder, you know?" There's a small hint of laughter in your words, the playfulness evident in every syllable.

"It's a ferrous wheel! Get it?" The look on your face was all the answer you needed. No. "Okay, so, Fe is the atomic symbol for iron, right? But, like, why?" Any ounce of embarrassment or awkwardness that had once clouded the barista's brain had since flown out the window. You had him talking chemistry, the one area in which he was completely comfortable. His thoughts were now so jumbled with the thoughts of atoms that your hypnotizing scent escaped him, even if for only a moment.

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