Bokuto Koutarou - Nothing More

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(Part 2 to 'Just Friends')

*Warning: mild sexual themes*

"Good practice today, guys. Clean up and head out," Akaashi's mellow voice carries through the gym, tossing a ball into the cart. His eyes drifted over towards his friend who had essentially sat out most of the practice. Even after their little talk, Bokuto remained in his defeated state. If anything, talking about it just made him feel worse. He was forced to actually admit that he was heart broken, rather than just pushing it down in a state of denial. But, the cherry on top that made everything worse?

Akaashi visibly took pity on him.

It made Bokuto feel so weak, seeing the underclassman look at him with sad, sorry eyes. He wished that he could've just crawled up in a ball and disappeared. He could handle his teammates being annoyed with him when he was out of it, but pity? Bokuto had hung his head in shame with each passing word as Akaashi's face grew sadder. At the end of their break, Akaashi led Bokuto inside with a small "I'm sorry" as if that was going to make the elder's pain go away. He was allowed to practice, but just barely. His sulking, no matter the cause, always threw off the flow of practice.

But, now, helping Akaashi take down the net, Bokuto was increasingly aware of your eyes on his back, watching his every move. Why were you here? What could you possibly have to say to him? He wasn't even sure if he wanted to talk to you in the first place. You had broken his heart. You didn't deserve to try to explain yourself to him. He should just shoulder past you and leave with his friends. He should just go home and never speak to you again. Nothing you could say was going to fix his heart and make everything better.

Who was he kidding?

Of course he wanted to talk to you. He wanted to get on his knees and beg for you to give him another chance. Things could go back to how they were if that's what you wanted, but he just wanted to have the opportunity to feel you in his arms one more time. He wanted the feeling of your breath against his skin as you were nestled into his side, some cheesy movie playing on your laptop. He wanted to send you memes and watch you discreetly check your phone in the middle of class, trying to hide your giggles, but giving him a little smile when you knew the teacher wasn't going to catch you. He missed all of his little interactions with you, but ever since you told him your real feelings, the two of you had been avoiding each other. Passing one another in the halls led to eyes being immediately dropped to the floor, hoping the other didn't notice your presence.

He hated it. He'd been through break ups before, but nothing had ever hurt as bad as this. He didn't even know what he did wrong. What was so wrong about him that you were willing to do everything couples do, but not actually get into a relationship? Why didn't you love him?

Bokuto just wanted answers, but he could never bring himself to send that "can we talk?" text. Maybe it was because he didn't know what he would say if you did answer. You would probably respond with a simple "about what bo?" and his mind would blank on everything he wanted you to know.

But, you were the one who approached him as everyone started to leave the gym. You kept your head down, shuffling your feet slightly. There was a box in your hands and Bokuto could see the sleeve of his jacket hanging over the edge. Oh. . . She's just bringing me my stuff. This was really the end.

"I- I thought you might want this stuff back," you say, your voice barely audible. Bokuto had to strain just to hear you.

"Oh. Thanks," he muttered, taking the box from you. The weight took him by surprise. Had he really left this much shit at your house? He did get a little forgetful at times, so he figured he shouldn't be so surprised.

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