Behind the Scenes of: "Caution: Contents Are Hot and Dangerous"

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I was requested for some further insight on the latest Kuroo Tetsurou fic, so I'm here to supply!

Why did you make it a coffee shop AU?

- the idea that I had in my head stemmed from the lyrics "Bet you didn't know that I was dangerous" from the song 'Dangerous' by LEFT BOY.  So, I wanted to play off of my personal Kuroo headcannon that he's more of an awkward D O R K than he is anything else (Kuroo Tetsurou is over sexualized and you can @ me on that).  My main goal was to have this really big tone shift where Kuroo goes from being this really sweet guy to a literal vampire who's trying to kill Y/N.

So, this is where the coffee shop aspect comes in.  This wasn't my original plan.  At all.  It was still kind of the same over-arching theme of them being friends who slowly started to fall for each other, but it wasn't until I actually sat down to get to work that I decided that I wanted to go with the barista route.  For me, coffee shop AUs carry a certain sense of innocence compared to vampire AUs as those tend to be very dark and primal.  Having that physical shift of leaving the serenity of the coffee shop was sort of my way of prompting the situation to take the darker turn that I was needing it to!

What happens next?

I imagine that the whole situation kind of put this weird wedge in their relationship.  I mean, he low-key tried to kill her.  Even if he did regret his actions, the point remains.  Y/N knew one very different side of Kuroo and was suddenly greeted with the information that he's literally a vampire.

So, I would say that things were strained for a while, but I think Y/N continued going to the coffee shop, just because it was sort of a routine at that point.  Just like always she would walk to the shop, order her drink, and take a seat in her normal booth.  Kuroo would still write silly jokes on her cup, but I doubt she would ask for their explanations, assuming she read them at all anymore.  The exchanges are awkward and really tense.  It's not because either one is mad, more like Y/N is probably still pretty freaked out about what happened.  He broke her trust and there's some healing that has to happen before things can go back to how they're meant to be.

But they do eventually reach that point.  It's probably a  slip-up more than actually fully trusting him again.  You had asked about the joke on your cup and then it all sort of spiraled into those long conversations at the counter that used to be so regular for the two of you.  Because here's the thing.  There's definitely still feelings.  Those definitely never went away.  But, you needed time to kinda get used to the whole vampire thing.  

Kuroo's face when you actually asked him about it?  Boy was shook.  It was a quiet evening and the two of you were all alone in the shop when you asked him how old he was.  How old he really was.  "294, I think.  I don't really think about it much, since I'm just perpetually 23."  

You ask him how it happened.  Did it hurt?  How did blood taste?  What was his favorite time period?  Why of all things did he want to be a barista?  Has he ever bitten his tongue when his fangs were exposed?  Did that hurt?  

The never-ending questions were a big part of what helped bring the two of you back together.  It allowed some honesty to be there and talking about a relationship just seemed easy now that it had been addressed.  And, to be completely honest, it just kinda fell into place?  I deadass don't think he ever officially asked you out.  It was just mutually understood that the two of you were together.

And every Wednesday, you would wait around for him to lock up and finish his shift and he would walk you home.  But, instead of him looming over you, threatening to k i l l you, he'd likely pat you head (Kuroo's a head patter and I refuse to believe otherwise) and give your cheek a small kiss in farewell.  

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