BoKuroo x Reader - Introducing Your New Bodyguards

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Y/F/S - Your favorite soda

It was weird.  They hadn't really ever seen something like it happen before, so they really weren't sure what to do.  The two had gone to a concert to hang out and have a good time before school started back up.  But, they were too distracted by what was unfolding in front of them to pay attention to the band up on the stage.  

You looked to be about 17, relatively short compared to the two captains, Y/H/C haired in soft curls with pieces pinned back so they stayed out of your face.  But, your body was rigid as you stood completely still, arms crossed over your chest, Y/E/C cast towards the ground as the guy next to you attempted to make conversation.  He stood close to you, making you uncomfortable at the way his breathing fanned over your face and neck.  

The boys didn't notice the way your body shook slightly, fear over-coming your nerves.  But, they did notice how you would lean away from the man, taking tiny steps forward every once in a while in an attempt to escape him.  

"Dude, what's going on up there?" Kuroo asked, smacking Bokuto's shoulder as he pointed to you.

"I don't know.  It's probably just her boyfriend or something."

Kuroo nodded a little, not really sure if he should believe what his friend was saying.  The way you stood didn't exactly scream that this guy had any relation to you.  Although, when his hands snaked around your waist and you didn't push him away, Kuroo thought maybe Bokuto was right.  

Still, something felt off about the whole situation and the way that Koutarou watched made Kuroo suspect that he felt the same way.  You didn't act like most girls would when held by their boyfriends.  You remained in your same position, arms crossed, refusing to move an inch.

He began to pull you away, holding onto your wrist as he started to drag you through the crowd.  The pair caught a good look at your face.  Mascara had made black marks down your cheeks as red, tear-filled eyes stared to the ground.  

Bokuto smacked Tetsurou on the shoulder.  "Let's go."  They stood in front of the man who had you in his grasp.  "Oho ho?"

"Oho ho ho?" Kuroo copied as they both crossed their arms.  "Where do you think you're going?"

"And who are you two?" The guy asked.

"Just some concerned bros who are a bit suspicious of your actions," Bokuto offers.

"Do you know this guy?" Kuroo asks.

You quickly shake your head.  There was fear evident in your eyes along with a pleading look.  

Bokuto and Kuroo both glare at the source of your tears.  "Hands off of the girl, dude."

"Why don't you make me?" He retorted.

"You want to or shall I?" Bokuto asked, looking over at his friend.

"You first, bro."

"Thanks, man."  Bokuto swings his fist into guy's jaw and stepped back so Kuroo could give him a hard punch in the nose.  The guy released you, holding his now bleeding nose in his hands.  

"Th-thank you," you whispered, staring up at the two volleyball players who were in the middle of a fist-bump.

"Hey, it's what we do.  Assaulting girls? Not cool.  Come on, we'll buy you a soda.  And by that, I mean, Kuroo will buy you a soda because I forgot my wallet in the car," Bokuto beams down at you.

"Of course you did," Kuroo grumbled, taking his wallet from his back pocket.  

"I'm Bokuto Koutarou and this is my friend Kuroo Tetsurou, by the way.  I promise we're not going to try to attack you or something."

You laugh softly, taking the bottle of Y/F/S from Kuroo and giving the two a small smile.  "Nice to meet you.  I'm Y/L/N Y/F/N.  I really appreciate what you two did back there.  I-I was scared..."

"What kind of people would we be if we let him drag you to his basement?  It was nothing, really," Kuroo says.  "So, where do you go to school?"

"Shinzen.  What about you guys?"


"Fukurodani," they answer, respectively, of course.  

"Oh! I have a cousin who goes to Fukurodani!  His name is Akaas-"

"You're Akaashi's cousin? Dude, he's, like, my best friend!" Bokuto shouts, shaking you by the shoulders.  "After my bro, of course."

"Well, I don't think Akaashi would be too happy if we let anything bad happen to you," Kuroo starts.  "So, we're going to protect you."

"We're basically your bodyguards now."

You laugh.  "I think I could live with that," you say, wiping the mascara from your cheeks.

Ehhh this isn't all that great. Sorry... But, I go back to school tomorrow (kill me, please).  So, you know, updates won't be super often, but they will happen.  Hopefully....

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