Akaashi Keiji - Chocolate Mornings

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Part 2 of "Chocolate Impressions"

(Single Parent!Akaashi x Reader)

It was a picture perfect scene: a slumbering home, the only source of light coming from the moon as its rays filtered in through the windows. Katashi was fast asleep in his bed, a stuffed owl held tightly in his arms, tucked in beneath a thick layer of blankets, the love of a father's kiss still lingering on his forehead. You had been pulled into Akaashi's chest the minute the two of you had sank into the soft embrace of his mattress. Soft words were shared about each other's day, plans for tomorrow, plans for the distant future. Short, breathy laughs in an attempt to stay quiet for Katashi's sake were the only response to small quips and silly stories. Warm kisses and cool wandering touches were soon replaced by quiet "I love you"s and the small sounds of Akaashi's little snores against your skin. Wrapped in his warm embrace, a final kiss was placed against his skin before allowing yourself to fall victim to sleep's grasp.

The all too familiar tune singing loudly from Akaashi's bedside table was the sour note that ended it all. You jolted up, obviously more distraught by the sudden noise than your boyfriend was as he simply buried his head under his pillow with a quiet "No."

"Keiji, your phone," you mutter, shaking his shoulder, trying to keep him from falling back asleep.

"I don't care."

You reach over him to grab his phone from the table to check the caller ID. Exactly who you expected. "It's the hospital."

"I don't care."

"Keiji, come on." You pull the pillow away from him and a heavy groan is the only response as he takes the phone from your hand.

"I'm not on call," he states plainly, avoiding any sort of pleasantries. You can hear the person on the other end of the line talking rapidly, multiple apologies being uttered in quick succession, and Akaashi can only sigh as he sits up and swings his legs off the edge of the bed. "What's the point in telling me that I'm off if you're just going to wake me up anyway? Where's Ohashi? Or Ichirou?" He runs his hand through his bedridden curls and leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "I have my son this week. You know that. . . What? It's two in the morning. I am not waking him up to drag him to a hospital for who knows how many hours. . . No. No. It's fine. I'll figure something out." Akaashi slowly gets up from the bed, stumbling slightly as the fatigue hasn't quite left his body yet. "Yes. I'm coming. I'll be there soon." He ends the call and tosses his phone on the bed, his form radiating pure annoyance. "Absolutely ridiculous," he grumbles, shoving his feet into a pair of slippers to save himself from the chilly hardwood floor. "I guess I need to call Akiyo and see if she can take care of Katashi until I'm done."

"Why? It's not like you're going to be leaving him alone."

"Are you sure? You don't have to do this."

You laugh a little, getting up on your knees to wrap your arms around his neck. "But, I want to."

He nuzzled his face in your neck, letting his black curls tickle your skin. "You're going to be such a good step-mom to him someday."

"I hope so. But, come on. You need to get ready. You have lives to save." He offers a quiet whine as you pull away from him in order to put on your own slippers. "I'll get your clothes and get some coffee going, okay?"

Akaashi nods, slumping off to the bathroom to brush his teeth and attempt to wake himself up with a quick cold shower. You padded softly towards the kitchen to start a pot of coffee before going to the laundry room to grab a fresh pair of scrubs from the dryer. Back in the bedroom, you rummaged through his drawers to find him clean boxers and a pair of socks.

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