Kageyama Tobio - Wait... What?

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Kageyama sat in the student section, his normal scowl painted on his features with the straw of his milk box pinned between his teeth.  He stared down at you, your Y/H/C tied up in a tight ponytail so he could see all of your features clearly.  You were gorgeous in every way possible.  There wasn't any question as to why you weren't single.  But, you were the girl whom he only admired from afar. And it was his best friend that had claimed you as his own.  Kageyama Tobio watched as you hugged the little red head before running out onto the court.  The students around cheered as the girls' volleyball team took their places on the court.  Hinata sat down next to him, perched on the edge of his seat, ready to cheer on his girl.

"What are you staring at, Kageyama?" Hinata asked, following Tobio's gaze. Kageyama quickly adverted his eyes.  Hinata smirked.  "Checking out the girls?  Pervert."

His head snapped to stare at the short middle blocker.  "I am not a pervert!"

"Kageyama's a pervert! Kageyama's a pervert!" Hinata sang.

Kageyama growled softly, glaring at Hinata.  "I will hurt you, dumbass!"

Hinata laughed, pushing his hair down in an imitation of the setter.  "I'm the king and I like staring at girls' butts, because I'm a pervert."

He snatched up the shrimp of a boy by the collar of his shirt.  "Shut up, you dumbass!" Kageyama clicked his tongue in annoyance, dropping the boy to his feet.  "Just be quiet and watch the game.  Maybe you can learn something."

Hinata rolled his eyes, sitting dejectedly on the bench.  He shoulders off his jacket, showing off his t-shirt with your number with the captain's mark on the back.  Kageyama frowns, trying not to make his discontent obvious to his friend.  He just keeps his eyes trained on the court below him.  

"Nice serve, Y/N!" Hinata shouts as the ball makes a smacking sound against the ball of your hand.  


Hinata stood next to Kageyama outside the gymnasium, waiting rather impatiently for you to exit.  He ran towards you as you pushed open the door.  "Y/N-chan!" He shouts, latching himself onto you.  

You laugh, ruffling the boy's hair.  "You didn't have to wait up for me, you know."

"I wanted to.  You played a good game today," he says, smiling widely at you.  

"Thank you, Shouyou."

Kageyama keeps his eyes cast towards your black Converse, trying to hide his blush and agitation.  He here was, standing in front of his crush of three years and he was being forced to watch her flirt with her boyfriend.  "Shouyou, are you not going to introduce me to your friend?" He hears you say, laughter in your voice as your fingers gently hold the bottom of his chin so they can lift his head to look you in the eyes.

"Y/N, this is Kageyama Tobio, the creepy guy who has a massive crush on you."

"Oh! You're Kageyama?  Shouyou has told me so much about you," you say, a smile settling on your lips, but the recipient of your smile did not get to see it.  Tobio had Hinata pinned against the wall.

"You told her!?  How did you find out anyway!?" He growled.

"It's pretty obvious.  You're always staring at her and you went through my phone so you could get her number," Hinata squeaked.  

"But, why did you tell her, dumbass!?" 

"If you had a crazy stalker, wouldn't you want to know?"

"It's embar-" 

The little quarrel is interrupted by your fits of giggles. "You two are ridiculous.  Kageyama-kun, I don't care if you have a crush on me.  I find it rather cute, honestly."

Kageyama glanced at you awkwardly, a blush rising to his face as he quickly releases Hinata.  He rubs the back of his neck. "U-um, you can just call m-me K-"

"Anytime, is what he's really trying to say," Hinata blurts out.

"I was going to say that she can just call me Kageyama, dumbass!" He shouts down at the other boy.

"I could, but it's obvious that you prefer me to call Kageyama-kun.  Or, would you like Tobio-chan better?  That's what Onii calls you."

"Oikawa is her brother," Hinata whispered.  

"I noticed that!  They have the same surname, so I obviously could've made that assumption on my own!" Kageyama growls.

You laugh, pulling your bag onto your shoulder.  "I'll talk to you tomorrow, Shouyou."  You start to walk out, but as you pass Kageyama you stand on your toes to whisper into his ear.  "Seriously, call me anytime you want," you whisper.  "Tobio-chan," you add, giving him a soft wink, running your fingers across his shoulder as you walk out. 

Kageyama stares after you with wide eyes. "B-but... Isn't she... You?" He mumbles, pointing between you and Hinata.

"What are you even saying?" Hinata asks, looking at his setter in confusion.

"I thought you two were a thing."

Hinata laughs loudly.  "That's a ridiculous idea.  We're just friends.  She tutors me sometimes, too.  Besides, you're totally into her.  I'm not that bad of a friend to steal your love," he teases, batting his eyes at Kageyama.

"You could've told me that, dumbass!"

"You never asked."  Hinata shrugs, walking away with a smirk on his face.  

Kageyama pauses for a minute before running after the nuisance.  "Wait!  So... can I have her number?"

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