Kuroo Tetsurou - They Call Me Mr. Kuroo

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(Teacher!Kuroo x Single Parent!Reader AU)

He wasn't entirely sure who was more upset: you or the little girl clinging onto the hem of your dress.  But, this was normal.  The first day of Kindergarten was a big step for any first time parent as well as the child.  So, Kuroo grabbed the box of nearly empty tissues off of his desk, weaving through the mass of kids who had fully cheered up after their parents had said their final goodbyes. 

He squatted down in front of her, taking a tissue and wiping her eyes and taking another one to erase the snot that was starting to stream from her nose.  "Mom, would you like one too?" He smirked, holding the box up to you. 

You nod slowly, taking one and dabbing at your eyes, careful not to mess up your eye makeup more than it already was.  "Thank you," you mumble. 

"It's my job, after all." He looked back at your daughter, taking one of her hands in his.  "Now, sweetie, I know that you don't want your mom to go, but I promise we'll have lots of fun, okay? I have all sorts of cool stuff for us to do today, but we can't do any of that until you say goodbye to your mom."

Your little girl, looked at you, new tears starting to well in her big eyes.  "Y/D/N, you'll be okay.  Mommy will be back to get you at the end of the day and that's not very far away.  Look at all those kids.  They don't seem very upset, do they?" Your daughter shook her head, sniffling a little.  You smiled reassuringly at her, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.  "You'll have a great day, baby.  I promise," you say, kissing her forehead softly. 

She wraps her arms around your neck, hugging you tightly.  She lets go as Kuroo places a hand on her shoulder.  "Come on, sweetie.  Do you like to color? We have lots of crayons and markers," he explains, leading her over to a small table where a few other kids sat, scribbling away on pieces of paper with various colored writing utensils.  

He came back to you quickly, sticking out his hand in order to shake yours.  "Hi, I'm Mr. Kuroo," he smiled.

"It's a pleasure.  I'm Y/L/N Y/F/N."

"Lovely name.  I appreciate you leaving your precious child in my care and I promise I will do nothing that could potentially harm or damage a single hair on her head."

"I really hope that you don't," you say, chuckling a little, finally taking a good look at him. You would be lying if you said that he wasn't handsome and ever since Y/D/N's father left when he found out you were pregnant, dating was not an absurd idea to you.

"Well, you know how parents are.  A lot of them have trouble grasping that a man can teach kindergarten and keep the kids from mauling each other."

"And can you?"

"No clue.  I've never done this before," he states plainly.  He takes in your look of horror before laughing.  "I'm only joking.  I've been doing this for four years now and I can safely say that no child has ever mauled another in my presence."

"Thank God," you mutter, smiling in embarrassment. 

"I'll take care of her.  I promise that nothing will happen to your daughter," he says softly in that reassuring teacher tone, grasping your shaking hands in his.  "Do you trust me?"

"Do  I really have a choice?"

"Not really," he chuckles. 

"Didn't think so.  Well, I guess I will be back at the end of the day," you mutter, glancing at your daughter who was busy coloring a picture of a dog with a bright blue crayon.

"Alright.  Have a good day, Mrs. Y/L/N," he says as you start to walk out the door.

You glance at him over your shoulder.  "Miss, actually. I'm single," you say, throwing him a soft wink before walking out of the classroom, leaving the kindergarten teacher completely speechless in your wake.


At three o'clock, you and the rest of the eager parents waited for your children to come through the door.  Mr. Kuroo walked out the double doors, a stream of children following behind him in a single file line, your daughter gripping onto his hand tightly.  At the sight of their parents, the kids quickly dispersed, shouting goodbyes to their teacher before they excitedly started telling their parents all about their first day of school.  Kuroo waved them all off, offering hugs to the few children who really didn't want to leave him because they had so much fun.

Your daughter dragged him up to you, stopping when there was barely enough space between you and her new teacher for her to stand comfortably.  "Mommy, guess what!"

"What, sweetie?" You asked, taking a step back.

"Mr. Kuroo isn't married either! Just like you!"

You looked up at him in surprise.  How had someone as attractive as him not been made into a husband yet? 

He chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.  "I never really had time for relationships in college and it's hard to meet people when you're working all the time," he explains.  

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It really sucks sometimes."

"You should go on a date with him!" Y/D/N pipes up.  You and Kuroo both look at her in shock.  Did that really just come out of her mouth? You feel a blush rise to your face and you notice Kuroo's ears turning red as he loosens his tie from around his neck. 

"How's Saturday night sound?" He asks quietly, not meeting your eyes.

You now fix your gaze on him before softly smiling.  "That sounds great, really."  You take your planner from your purse, quickly scrawling down your number before ripping out the paper and handing it to him.  "Call me sometime, Mr. Kuroo."

"I most definitely will, Miss Y/L/N."

And I'm back. For this chapter, at least.  Apologies for not writing this summer, but I've been so busy with college classes and band camps and conferences, etc. that writing was something that really didn't fit into my schedule.  But, school is starting on the 16th, so I may be writing a little more? Maybe? I don't know.  


I just want to say that you all should send me like cute au prompts because I love those all so much.  I write so much easier with those and if I have lots of aus, I may update more ;) So, keep that in mind.

(p.s. Are any of you ARMY's? Because Bighit and all these god damned posters have me Jungshook and I'm not okay and I need someone who understands my woes.)

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