Miya Atsumu - Two Pieces

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*Part 3 to 'Missing Pieces*

There are very few things in this world that are unfixable. Shattered glass is a pain to put back together once it's broken. You'll get cut, bleed, scream, and cry, but with enough glue and the right amount of patience, but you can put it back together if you really want to. But, here's the thing about puzzles. They're meant to be put back together. They can take anywhere from a few minutes to years to complete, but turning them back into their original image is far from impossible. Even if those pieces have been missing for months or if they've been damaged, beaten, broken, they still have a place in the bigger picture.

It had been close to three months since Miya Atsumu returned those missing pieces to you. And it had been three months since he started putting all the pieces back together with you, doing what he could to mend the pieces that had been crumpled so that they could fit back into the picture. It wasn't an easy task by any means, but the two of you worked diligently to put everything back together, not ready to put the puzzle back in its box, not ready to start over with someone new.

You heard him long before you heard the soft click of the door closing. His low laugh easily carrying through the air as he pressed his cellphone up against his ear. "No, Hinata, I'm serious! I can't today. No, I- Dude, come on. Any other time and Y/N and I would absolutely be there, but we're busy." There's a small scoff in response to whatever the little teammate had said. "Very funny, but I seriously can't. Hold up, will you give me a sec?" Atsumu brings the phone away from his face, slipping his sneakers off and putting them next to the others. "Princess! I'm home!" He called and the smile on his face when you poked your head out of the bedroom was irreplaceable. It was that same goofy smile he got on his face when he was playing volleyball, doing something he loved. It made your heart swell with warmth and you hated the idea of losing that smile again. He brings the phone back up to his ear, the smile refusing to drop. "Hey, I'll talk to you later. Have fun tonight, okay? Yeah- okay. Bye!"

Phone securely tucked into the pocket of his sweatpants, he opens his arms wide, meeting you halfway to envelope you in a tight hug. His head finds that comforting place in the crook of your neck, placing lazy kisses against the soft flesh. It was something he never realized he would miss, your sweet, fleeting touches as you traced little patterns on his shoulder blades , but months spent running away from you and his problems had left him unknowingly craving these embraces all over again.

"I've missed you," he mutters quietly, feeling you shudder slightly against him at the feeling of his lips and warm breath moving across your skin with each passing word.

"'Mu, you weren't even gone that long." There's a smile on your face, he can hear it in your teasing tone. Your fingers lacing through his hair let him melt further into you, reveling in the feeling of just how beautifully your bodies fit together, slotting perfectly into one another just like two pieces of a puzzle.

"I know, but I have to leave again soon." Atsumu pulls his head away from you so that you can get a good look at the pout that had settled onto his face.

But, you just hum, letting one hand trail down the side of his face, fingers gently tracing over the edge of his jawline. "It's helping, right, 'mu? The therapy, I mean."

He nods his head, leaning into your touch, trying to keep that skin to skin contact with you as long as possible, scared that if he were to let it cease even for a second, he would wake up from this blissful dream where everything was okay and your relationship was going something that he never expected: healing.

But, even as your fingers leave him, there's no horrifying switch into a nightmare where you had left him crying on the bedroom floor. You don't fade from his view. Rather, you continue standing in front of him, that warm smile never leaving your lips. No matter how many times he blinked, just to make sure that he wasn't dreaming, you remained right there in front of him, confirming his reality. Confirming that the impossible was happening.

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