Oikawa Tooru - Art Hoe

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This part contains implied male nudity.  If that would make you uncomfortable or trigger you in anyway, please do not read.

"Oikawa, will you be my model for a project?"

Come on, it was such an easy question and an even easier request. All he had to do was stand there and look pretty. He usually did that without trying, so this should be easy for him. You'd offer to buy him lunch to make up for the trouble you caused him. It was just one simple request.

Nestled in your boyfriend's arms on the uncomfortable mattress of his dorm bed, your mind kept racing with how to approach the subject, unconsciously tracing shapes across his chest. His head had long since rolled to the side, allowing his mouth to fall open so his little snores could escape as he took his usual afternoon nap after a long day of classes. He always looked so serene when the two of you laid together for these short hours of well-deserved rest, fingers would lazily draw circles along your back before eventually stopping and falling away as sleep dragged him under. His soft tufts of brown hair would be squished flat against his head from being pressed into his pillow when he woke up.

You would ask him when he woke up. It's not like it was a big deal. It was just some modeling. Well, it was nude modeling. But, you could leave that part out, right? At least, for now anyway. The two of you had only been officially dating for a little over a month now, so the two of you hadn't exactly seen each other naked yet, and the fact that you were about to overcome that relationship milestone for an art project?

Tooru shifted beneath you, a quiet whine being released as he stretched his arms, eyelids slowly lifting to reveal tired brown eyes. He rubs his hands over his face, propping himself up on his elbows as a heavy yawn comes over his pretty features. "What time is it?" He asks, voice still deep and gravely from his nap.

"Almost seven."

"Damn, that was longer than I expected. I'm sorry about that, babydoll," Tooru mumbles, fingers reaching up to fidget with the ends of your hair.

You were about to reassure him that it was fine. He deserved the opportunity to rest, but the lightbulb in your head started to shine. You looked up at him, sweet eyes staring into his own. "I know how you can make it up to me."

"Anything you want," he nods, leaning forward to place a soft kiss to your forehead.

"Can you help me with a project? You just need to sit and look handsome for a while so I can sketch you. I'll take you for dinner afterwards; my treat."

His laughter catches you off guard. You had been trying to explain, trying to sweet talk him so he couldn't say no, so when his sweet giggles fill the room, you immediately stop. "You really didn't have to do all that. I would've been happy to help you, babydoll." Oikawa smiles at you, shaking his head at your visible sigh of relief. His smile is quickly replaced, however, by a devious smirk. "But, since you said it, you owe me Wendy's for all my hard work."

"You're the best, Tooru," you say, leaning up to give his lips a quick peck. "Does Saturday work?"

"Of course, babydoll."

So, when Saturday came, you were knocking on the door of Oikawa's room, arms full of burgers and Frosties. He just shoots you a smile as he pulls the door open, turning back to his closet as you set the food down on his desk. Your boyfriend continues to shuffle through the shirts he has hanging up, still dressed in his pajama pants. "Y/N, what do you want me to wear?" He asks, examining a casual button-up as a viable option.

"Oh-" You stop unpacking your lunches and take a second to find the best way to approach the tiny detail of his outfit, or rather, his lack of outfit.

The shuffling of hangers stops and there's confusion etched all over his face as he stares at you. "Oh?"

"About that." There's an awkward laugh as you shift your weight from foot to foot. "Um, there's something I forgot to mention. It's kind of, well- It's nude modeling."

His normally cool disposition shatters into a million pieces right in front of you. You watch as his eyes widen and he looks at everything but you. It's now his turn to start shuffling, letting his hand move to nervously ruffle his hair. A deep red blush crept up his neck as a small, "Oh," left his lips.

"If you don't want to do this, you don't have to! It's really okay! I can ask someone from class if I can use their model. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"N-No! I'm fine. It's just- This isn't exactly how I thought the whole 'seeing my dick' thing would go." But, even with the reassurance that he was comfortable with the whole thing, there was a shake in his voice no matter how much he tried to mask it behind his joking tone.

"If you want, you can leave your boxers on until I'm ready to sketch your- well, you know."

You see his body visibly relax a little at your suggestion and he nods, a little smile washing over his face. "Thank you." He hooks his thumbs in the waistband of his pajamas, tugging them down to his ankles before kicking them to the side. "So, now what do I do?" Tooru asks, finally looking into your eyes. It was the bright red on your cheeks that made his heart stop pounding from all of the stress about seeing him naked for the first time. You were just as embarrassed and nervous about this as he was. That fact alone caused his shoulders to relax down into their natural state and he could feel his normal confidence slowly returning. Love makes people do crazy things. Modelling in boxers just happened to be the crazy thing that love made him do.

"Do you just want to stand over here? There's better lighting closer to the window."

Oikawa didn't know how long he stood there, making casual conversation with you, sliding his boxers shyly down his thighs when you asked, but you finally put your charcoal pencils back in their box, stating that you got all the sketches that you needed.

You can feel his presence as he stalks behind you to steal a few of your remaining fries from the box. He hums in approval as he examines the last sketch you had done, arms wrapping around your shoulders from behind. "Is that really what I look like?"

"No. You're a lot hotter in person, I promise."

"You're flattering me, babydoll," he teases, giving the top of your head a little kiss.

"Hey, Tooru?"


You twist your head that you can look up at him. "Thank you, seriously."

"Anything for my art hoe."

I forgot that when I formatted this in my word doc, my warning said: "implications of oikawa having his dick out" and i- 

*high-fives past self*

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