Kuroo Tetsurou - New Girl

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It took you less than a week at your new high school to learn that you hated Kuroo Tetsurou. He was a serial flirt with too many rumors about his love life that he was honestly the last person that you wanted to befriend. You would watch him in class, slide in close to some random girl that he knew had a crush on him, give them a few boldly executed flirts, and smirk as they fell even harder in love with him, sliding over the answers to the worksheet the second the request would drop from his lips.

It took less than a week for Kuroo Tetsurou to take a special interest in you. You never stared at him, didn't bother trying to talk to him. You acted like he didn't even exist. But, boy, was he going to change that. He loved a challenge and breaking your composure to watch you become a flustered mess before him seemed to be the perfect one.

In your second week, your new friends would laugh at your immediate eye roll at even the slightest mention of his name. The lunch conversation had drifted to him as your friend sat down announcing that he had been asking about you.

"What did he ask?!" One of your friends squealed, taking it upon herself to obsess over the volleyball captain for you seeing as you seemed completely disinterested.

"He just wanted to know what I knew about her. So, I told him."

"You told him about me?" You groaned a little. "I was happy knowing that I could've gone my entire high school career without him even knowing my name."

"Sorry, Y/N, but you know how he is. It's so hard to say no to him," she sighed, reminiscing on that perfect moment of the brief interaction.

"What's so great about him anyway? He's hot, but that's really it." You're waiting for your friends to respond, but they're silent, staring mindlessly over your head. "What? It's true!"

"So, you think I'm hot, eh, princess?"

You turn to come eye to eye with the infamous boy smirking down at you, his lunch tray with the remnants of his meal in his hands. "Yeah, I do, but so does everyone else. It's not like you've never heard it before," you retort, rolling your eyes as you turn around.

"Well, for all intents and purposes, I think you're pretty hot too," he whispers, leaning down so you can feel the breathiness of his words against the side of his face causing you to scrunch up your face in distaste.

"Cool, but I don't need your approval to know that I'm hot."

"Oh, look at you. Little miss confidence, huh? I like that."

"Again, I don't need your approval. Now, can you leave? You smell like a pre-teen boy who just discovered cologne and it's giving me a headache."

This was going to be harder than he thought.

This same behavior was patterned over weeks. He would ask people about you. He would confront you, trying to make you crack, and you would just shoo him away like an annoying fly.

"Why do you care so much?" Kenma asked, not looking up from his gamepad while the two sat on the train to get to their respective neighborhoods.

"She's different. It's this exciting, new challenge to see if I can get her to finally crack." Kuroo shrugged. "It's just fun."

"I don't see what's so fun about using people for your amusement."

"I'm not using her for my amusement, I-"

"Yes, you are," Kenma interrupted. "You're playing with her emotions so you can get a good laugh when you watch her be disappointed when you tell her that you're not into her."

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