Oikawa Tooru - Jealousy

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You stood up in the stands, watching the teams warm up. You pulled Oikawa's volleyball jacket tighter around your frame. It smelled like him so you always took comfort in the fabric. And, now, you needed to comfort more than ever.

"OIKAWA!!!!" A group of girls cheered as your boyfriend came out of the locker room.

He smiled happily, waving at his fans as they continued to scream. Your lips formed a tight line as you watched him laugh and smile at the group of girls, making it rather obvious that he was there to put on some brilliant show for them.

But, you were being a good supportive girlfriend, standing up front in the crowd of other students from Aoba Johsai. You stared down at him with discontent. You were here, yet Oikawa ceased to pay the least bit of attention to you. Even before the game he had been swarmed by his fangirls and failed to seem to remember that his girlfriend was right by his side, digging her nails into the back of his hand in frustration. You could see the red marks from up here.

He flipped his bangs from his eyes earning another round of screams from the girls. Oikawa laughed, smiling proudly that he had gained this reaction. Your Y/E/C eyes narrow. You had enough of this. You were not going to stand here and watch him pay more attention to a bunch of screaming girls than he was his own girlfriend.

You waited until he scanned the crowd. He stopped and smiled softly when he saw you. It faltered when he got a good look at the expression on your face. You gave him one of your 'I'm so pissed' smiles and walked out of the gym.

You walked down the hall, slowing slightly when you heard the squeak of gym shoes running behind you. You knew instantly who it was. You smirked to yourself, pushing the jacket off your shoulders and letting it fall to the floor in a pool of material behind you as you kept walking.

The person stopped. "Y/N..."


"Why?" He asked, picking up the jacket and holding it over his shoulder.

"Sorry. I don't wear the jackets of players."

You could see him tilt his head in the window reflection in front of you. "What? What are you talking about?"

"That. In there. It happens every game, Tooru! It happens every time we try to go out and do something together. I'm tired of it."

"Are you jealous?" he asks in a mocking tone, coming up behind you and poking your sides to make you jump.

"I am not jealous," you say, squirming away from him.

"You're jealous. Y/N's jealous! Y/N's jealous!" He sings, skipping down the hall in his show-off-y, yet incredibly dorky, manner.

"Tooru Oikawa! I am not jealous!"

"You're jealous!"

"Oikawa! What the hell are you doing?!" Iwaizumi shouted from down the hall.

"Controlling my jealous girlfriend," he shouts back.

You come up behind him and smack the back of his head, snatching the jacket back from his hand.

Oikawa pouted at you. "That hurt."


"The game is about to start!" Iwaizumi snapped.

"I'm coming!" Oikawa shouts, putting the jacket back on you before grabbing you by the waist, lifting you off the ground.

"What?! Tooru, put me down!" you yell, kicking your feet.

He just laughs and carries you into the gym and out onto the court. He holds your face with his hand that isn't supporting you and he gives your lips a sloppy kiss. Your cheeks heat up intensely at the fact that the entire gymnasium just say you and Oikawa kiss. "I love you and I'm dearly sorry for not paying much attention to you. I'll give you all the attention you want, okay?"

"Put me down, Tooru," you say.

"And if I don't?"

"Put me down."

"Fine," he says, putting you back on the ground.

You started to walk off, but Oikawa reached out, giving your hair a little ruffle. You turned and glared at him. "Why, you little shit!"

"Bye, Y/N!" He smiles and waves at you cutely as you back out of the gymnasium.

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