Akaashi Keiji - Sleep Deprived

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You were pretty upset when Akaashi told you that he would be attending a different university in the fall than you.  the two of you had planned on going to college together, but when he was offered a better scholarship from Dokkyo Medical University, he couldn't resist the chance.  And you understood.  You didn't want to force him to give up a chance at one of his top picks for you. He was a two hour train ride away.  That's what kept your mind at ease.

But, honestly, it was like he had never left you.  Akaashi would text you everyday, often interrupting you in the middle of class.  He would call in the evenings if he wasn't too tired and he would Skype you almost every weekend right after volleyball practice.  Akaashi acted like talking to you was the only thing keeping him alive.

Today, you looked as he laid on his bed, phone propped up so you could see his tired features.  His dark curls were plastered against his head as droplets of water rolled down his face, telling you that your boyfriend had most likely just gotten out of the shower.  He gave you a soft smile as you greeted him.  "Keiji? Are you doing okay?" You ask, your brow furrowing as Akaashi refrains from giving you his usual greeting.

He nods slowly, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger, trying desperately to stifle a yawn.  "I'm just... I'm just really tired," he says, giving you a weak laugh.

"Trust me, Keij.  I  can tell.  How much sleep have you been getting lately?"

"In the past week? I don't know..."  He counted lazily on his fingers, concentrating deeply to do the simple addition.  "Twenty-six?"

"Hours?! In a week? Akaashi, why aren't you sleeping?"

"I don't have time... Class all day. Practice until eight at night. And, for some reason, all the professors think homework is fun, so I don't finish that until almost two in the morning. And I still have to shower and eat and clean... clothes," he mutters, his eyes drooping as his speech begins to slur heavily.  "And everyone here is an idiot and they think that walking down the middle of the sidewalk is okay, but it's not, and I'm starving.  I don't remember the last time I ate.  It might have been yesterday, but it could've been Thursday. I don't know. I just really want a pizza..."

"Keiji, you're rambling."


"You need to sleep."


"Go to bed, Keij," you say.

"I can't! I can't sleep! I lay awake for an hour or more because I can't sleep!"

"Why can't you sleep? I would think you wouldn't have a problem sleeping."

"I don't know, Y/N. I just know that it's annoying and I want to take a nap but, I can't because I can't sleep!" He shouts, throwing a pillow at the door. 

"Just try, okay, Keiji?"

"I miss you..."

"I miss you too, but you need to sleep. Call me when you wake up. Bye, Keij," you say, blowing him a kiss before hanging up.

You dig through your bag trying to find the ticket. Your face breaks into a smile when you pull it out. You quickly grab a jacket and your phone before racing out of your dorm to go catch your train.


Akaashi Keiji is brought out of his sleep by repetitive knocking on the cheaply made door. He groans loudly, rolling over, but managing to fall off his bed into a heap of blankets on the floor. Another groan escapes his lips as he rises to his feet, stumbling to the door.

"What?" He grumbles, not even looking at the person on the other side of the door.

"It's good to see you too, Keiji," you say, laughing softly.

He says nothing, just pulls you into his arms, taking in your familiar scent and the way your body feels pressed against his.  The two of you hadn't been able to actually see each other for three months now. You're were always free when he was busy and vice versa. But now, with your frame pressed against his muscular chest, Akaashi felt complete. He was able to think calmly and not in the hectic way he had been for the past month. "Sleep," he whines, pointing lazily to his bed. He takes you by the hand, pulling you to his mattress. He flops down, bringing you down next to him.  Akaashi's face is nuzzled in your hair, the slow sound of your breathing and your heart beating lulling him into a much needed sleep.

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