Oikawa Tooru - The King

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The final installment of my three part collection inspired by the the song "Soldier, Poet, King" by the Oh Hellos.  Please remember that these pieces are not connected in any way.  they are just pulling from the same inspiration!

"You're a monster."

"I don't care if you're my husband. I want nothing to do with you."

"I refuse to sleep in the same bed as you."

"You're just like your father, only caring when it benefits you."

Each hateful comment that you threw at him pulled the air from his lungs. He'd never been talked to in such a way, but now, hearing those words drip like poison from the lips of his own wife was like a punch to the stomach. Tooru knew going into the marriage that things were going to be rocky, but he didn't expect it to be this bad. He thought that given a few weeks, he'd be able to win you over with his charming personality and the two of you could enjoy a happy life together, ruling over one of the most powerful nations.

But, that was so far from the truth. Any attempts at physical contact were shoved away. Conversation was cut short by a snide remark from you, leaving the young king to sit with all of the gnawing guilt in his chest. Because, every word that you uttered, he believed to be true. He was a monster. Well, maybe not him specifically, but his family was a completely different story.

There was a reason that the Oikawa family was the head of such an immense kingdom, one that stretched farther than one could ever fathom. A feared kingdom and one with riches beyond your wildest dreams. An intimidating military with ranks upon ranks of well-equipped soldiers. Yes, that was the Riviere Kingdom, a kingdom that burned fear into its people and a king to match that scary demeanor. The king that had worn the crown before Tooru, his father, was as ruthless as they come, building the once small kingdom into the powerhouse that it is today. Smaller surrounding nations were on their knees, begging to be spared, but they were only swallowed by the overwhelming military force before there was even a chance to protest. And that was the game for years. Smaller nations were taken in, allowing the nation to swell in size and power, allowing it to move on to even bigger targets. It was monstrous.

But, it wasn't like Tooru could do anything about it now. What did you want him to do? Give everyone their land back and let them break off into their own countries again? They would starve and die. People had become reliant on the aid of the kingdom, so who was he to just whisk that all away from them? Everything was years in the past, he had barely been born when his father's rampage had reached its peak and he was only seven when the final obstacle was conquered, too young to think any ill of his father's ways.

The Gledria Kingdom had been the goal from the very beginning. It was the biggest and best, but late King Oikawa couldn't have that, could he? Tooru could remember that overwhelming swell of pride that his father carried as the royal family of the newly-fallen kingdom knelt before the king in defeat. A king with weary eyes, dark circles and heavy wrinkles from years of stress, a queen with gentle features and lips that probably had the potential to carry the sweetest smile, and between them knelt a young girl, likely no older than the young prince himself. Her eyes were puffy and there was a glisten of snot streaming from her nose, the fear evident in her body as she knelt there trembling.

"I'd like to make a deal," the fallen king states simply, his voice as commanding, steady, as if he was the one in charge. "Your son, is he betrothed already?"

Tooru's cheeks turned hot, the attention suddenly being turned to him. "He's not."

"Then I would like to offer my daughter's hand. Before you refuse, I want you to think about what this could mean for you. You are free of the burden of an even grander kingdom by letting us walk free and rebuild our home. Not only that, we are now aligned with you, your majesty. Our children will act as the peace treaty between out two kingdoms."

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