Akaashi Keiji - Letters From You

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Akaashi, honestly, hated school.  He couldn't stand being surrounded by idiots for seven hours.  It was completely exhausting for the setter.

But, things had started to change.  He enjoyed getting up and putting his uniform on.  He enjoyed going to school, because you were at school.  A pretty little first year girl who always had her Y/H/C hair tied back in a professional looking pony tail, a bright smile always occupying her lips.  You were refreshing to him.  He like seeing you everyday and liked eating lunch with you under the trees outside of the cafeteria, if the weather allowed.  Honestly, you only started eating lunch with him because, on the first day of school, Akaashi was eating his lunch alone at a corner table and you thought he was sad and lonely when, in reality, Bokuto hadn't arrived yet.  But, more than anything, he loved receiving your letters.

Ever since the two of you had become friends, you were dead set on making him smile at least once a day.  So, every morning, you would write him a little letter and slip it into his locker just before he got there.  They always smelled like your sweet perfume and, some days, when you had a lot to carry, there would be pink marks from your lipstick on the edge of the paper where you had carried it between your lips.  Akaashi especially loved those days.

When he opened his locker, just like every other day, a piece of folded up notebook paper sat on top of his books.  He tucked it into his pocket, grabbing his books for the first part of the day.

"Hey, hey hey!" He hears Bokuto shout as he comes down the hallway towards Akaashi.  "So, what'd your little girlfriend tell you today?" He teases, nudging the second year.

"I haven't read it.  And she's not my girlfriend, Bokuto-san."

"But, you want her to be," he sings.

Akaashi didn't respond, simply looked away.  That wasn't a lie.  He had begun to develop a crush on the girl who had made life kind of worth it. He was addicted to the way you laughed and the way your face scrunched up in deep concentration while you attempted to do your math homework at lunch.  You were perfect in ever single way in his eyes, but he was just him.  He wasn't anything special, just a random second year that you felt sorry for and decided to befriend.  But, God, was he happy that you did. 

He said a quick goodbye to Bokuto before walking to his seat in the back of the class room.  He pulled your note out from his pocket, unfolding it onto his desk.  Your squiggly writing covered the front side of the paper and a little doodle of an owl was on the backside.  It was just like every letter.  

Good morning, Akaashi-senpai!

Are you ready for your daily pick-up line?  Okay, here we go: "Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I scraped my knee falling for you" *suggestive wink*  If you didn't smile at that one then there's something wrong with you, because that was cute as hell.  But, seriously, do you have a Band-Aid because these shoes are giving me a blister?  You probably don't because guys don't usually carry those around with them, but you seem to be pretty prepared for everything, so I just thought I would ask.  

So, how's life?  Are you having a good day so far, Akaashi-kun?  I hope so.  I want to see you smile at lunch today.  I wish you smiled more, because I like your smile.  It's cute.  But, anyway, how's class?  Are you enjoying taking down endless notes?  That was a stupid question.  I don't know anyone who would enjoy that.  Nerds, probably.  I mean, you are nerd, so maybe you do like taking notes.  Not judging if you do, though.  

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