Sakusa Kiyoomi - Just One Bite

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(Vampire!Sakusa x Human!Reader)


"I'll only be gone an hour. Go on to sleep, love," he had whispered, tucking a loose strand of hair from your face. It was late, the only light coming from the soft flickering of the candles and the rays of the moon illuminating his face. The soft gleam of white fangs as lips were eased up into a small smile. You were only left to watch as his coat was pulled on and a long scarf was wrapped around his neck to help disguise him from the townsfolk. A quiet thud of a door closing is the only indication that he had wandered out into the night, a small "please be careful" escaping behind him.

Glass shattering in the main room of your small home yanks you from sleep's embrace. There are soft grunts as a chair is scraped across the floor. You gently move the blankets off your body and tiptoe towards the bedroom door. Your fingers tighten around the nearest blunt object: an unlit candlestick. Excellent weapon choice, Y/N.

The door is eased open just enough to get a good view of the cause of the ruckus. The candle is dropped and you throw the door open. Socked feet drumming against the floor with each hurried step towards the man at the table. "Sakusa, what happened?" You fret, crouching down to be eye level with your husband.

He gives you a tired smile, fangs shrinking to blend back in with his human teeth. "I told you I'd be back in an hour." Small trickles of the sticky red substance ran down the side of his face, dripping onto the shoulder of his now torn coat. Sakusa winces a little as you move your hand up to move his hair away from his eye, fingertips brushing accidentally over a heavy bruise on his cheek. "I guess I need to find new hunting grounds," he mutters, leaning back to the best of his ability in his worsened state.

"Again? You just found this one last month."

"Clans already took it over," he grunts, pushing his hand against his abdomen. It was dangerous to not have a clan to call your own, Sakusa was the perfect example. Constantly having to find new places far enough from the prying eyes of the townsfolk just to get your next meal, moving silently as to not alert your prey or the other vampires undoubtedly in the area. Good grounds were precious and unclaimed ones that weren't an immediate death sentence were hard to come by nowadays. It seemed like every inch of forest around the town was taken by one of the few neighboring clans, but when you're just alone? It's damn near impossible to eat when you need to.

"Come on. You need to lay down and rest." You reach out your arms to offer him an extra support system, willingly accepted by the injured man. He lets your arm slide around his waist as he attempts the slow hobble towards the bedroom, desperate to sleep this night away.

But, he couldn't ignore it. The pangs of hunger that came and went. The smell of blood, even if it was his own, making his mouth water, his head spin at the delectable scent. It took everything in him not to raise his hand to his lips and lap the blood from his cut knuckles. It'd been days since his last proper meal and a small rabbit never lasted him long. What he would do for a small snack, anything to soothe him-

You laid him gently on the bed, leaving only briefly to get a wet rag. Sakusa's fingers dug into the sheets as you used the towel to wipe away the blood from his face. His beautiful features contorted into a grimace of pain at the feeling of you attempting to gently scrub him clean. He didn't even have to see himself to know that your increase in pressure meant that it had stained his cheeks. There's a weak grab for your-

Wrist. The blue vein running up your arm, waving in front of his face. Teasing him. Testing his will. The all too familiar feeling of his fangs poking the inside of his lips returned, a small quiver in the corner of his mouth becoming evident. Just one bite. That's all it would take. One little taste and then he'd be fine. He'd have enough energy to last him until the morning and then he might be able to see his friend at the butcher shop, see if they had anything fresh in, see if there was any blood. It wouldn't even hurt. It'd feel like a bee sting. Hell, maybe if he waited until you had gone to sleep, you wouldn't even notice. Your flesh just looked so soft in the low midnight light. He had always wondered, from his very first meeting with you, how good it would feel for his fangs to pierce that beautiful skin. How your blood would look staining his fangs, the crisp metallic taste still on his lips hours after. He finds himself leaning towards you, eyes trained on the vivid vain that contrasted so teasingly against your skin. Just one bite-

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