Kuroo Tetsurou - Sober Thoughts

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This chapter contains vulgar language and there are instances of slut shaming.  If you are made uncomfortable by either of those things, feel free to skip this chapter!

*As stated in Drunken Words, all characters are aged up to the appropriate age because I'm responsible and don't condone underage drinking*

*PART 2 to 'Drunken Words'*

Honestly, he didn't know what he was expecting when he sat down next to you in the lecture hall. Maybe he was hoping that things would go back to how they used to be, before he made a total fool out of himself. Maybe he was hoping that he'd be able to sit down and joke with you. He was hoping that you'd start doodling little pictures in the margins of his notebook just like you always did when you were bored during lecture.

But, he got none of those things. He was welcomed by a cold silence, a quick glance up from your phone to recognize that he was there. As he sits down in the seat next to yours, he watches you shift your body, leaning further away from him as if not wanting to be seen anywhere near him.

And who could blame you? The videos of drunken Kuroo making all of those snide remarks, telling everyone about the relationship that you had with, had been circulating the campus all weekend. Everywhere you went, you could feel the judgemental eyes on you, staring you down to punish you for your sins. Even now, in a lecture hall filled with hundreds of students, people were turning their heads to get a glimpse of you and the fraternity brother who let all your secrets out after a few too many glasses. Hushed whispers were filling the room as the rumors continued to grow and increase in severity. Calling you any number of filthy names in the book.

As if the guilt wasn't already eating you alive. The heartbreak that had crept into Daisho's eyes as he realized that this wasn't just Kuroo talking to talk felt like a punch to the gut. He hadn't even bothered to yell at you, he just walked upstairs, locking the door to his room. You could've knocked on his door all night and he never would've answered. You had sat outside for what seemed like hours before you heard the lock slide out of its place, the door creaking open ever so slightly as he poked his head out. His eyes had been trained at the floor, refusing to meet your gaze. But, no matter how hard he tried to hide it, there was no mistaking the slight puffiness to his eyes or the tightness in his voice.

"I think you should just go."

Nothing else. He spoke six words to you and went back into his room, locking the door tightly behind him. You didn't know why it hurt as much as it did. You had said yourself that you weren't in love with him anymore, but seeing all of the pain etched on his face overwhelmed you with guilt and Daisho wasn't even giving you the option to try to fix things. It was over. Plain and simple.

It didn't matter how many times you tried to text or call him, each one was ignored. You showed up at the house the next day to try to talk to him, but you were turned away at the door by one of the fraternity members. You didn't deserve it, but you wanted to see him one more time, try to leave things off on a better note, but he wasn't having it. All of the pictures of you that had been posted to his Instagram were gone by the end of the night. He was already forgetting you, obviously having no intentions of trying to work this out.

And then there was Kuroo. To everyone around him, he was perfectly normal. He still had his normal kind smile plastered on his face as he greeted people on campus. He was still able to laugh and joke, this entire weekend just being funny for him. No one was belittling him or calling him a whore. If anything, people were high-fiving him, congratulating him on getting Daisho's girl. Kuroo Tetsurou's life hadn't even shifted. Sure, the extra shit he got from Daisho wasn't fun, but it was bearable. This whole thing was so easy for him.

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