Nishinoya Yuu - Selfish Fools

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Thank you so much for requesting IsabellaRomero880 !  I don't think it's exactly what you had in mind, but I hope you like it!

Describe yourself in one word: Foolish.

To think that he would notice you of all people? It makes you scoff at the mere thought. You were a fool, a first rate clown. He was your friend and nothing else. He had been there to show you around on the first day of school when you accidentally mistook him for a first year. He had given you a mildly offended "Hey," but laughed when you had started apologizing a million times.

Yeah, if you could describe yourself in one word, it would be foolish. Nishinoya Yuu saw you as nothing more than a friend while you were wanting nothing but to be more than that. But, he made your tongue twist into knots whenever you tried to speak. He could ask you as something as simple as "How was your day?" and you would be stuttering over your words just to get out a coherent response.

Everything about him, from his outward bad boy appearance to his energetic personality, had the blood rushing to your face, bringing out a bright blush at the simple thought of his eager brown eyes staring into your own. He was sweeter than you would have ever imagined. Constantly sending you messages to make sure that you were taking care of yourself. Sending pictures of things that made him think of you. Walking you home on those rare days when he didn't have volleyball practice. He constantly showered you in praise, telling you how proud he was when you did well on a test that you had been worried about. He was the perfect friend, but that's all he was. A friend.

It was foolish of you to think that Nishinoya would ever see you as anything more. You saw the way that he looked at Kiyoko. The light behind his eyes was different when he was with you. His eyes were softer, less eager for attention than the ones he used to examine the beautiful manager. Nishinoya was almost a completely different person around you than he was around Kiyoko, but you couldn't really blame him. She was stunning and you were just some first year that he had, for some reason, chosen to befriend.

Sundays were reserved for the two of you to get lost in the immense piles of homework that had been sent home for the weekend. A kitchen table and various snacks being the only tangible thing separating you. But, the heavy sense of awkwardness hung thickly in the air. It was the best you could do to keep your head down, trying your very best to focus on your work and push away the thoughts of the young man across from you that kept flooding your mind.

Describe yourself in one word: Scared.

If Nishinoya Yuu could choose anything to describe himself in this moment, it would be that. He never knew how to approach the topic that he had been so desperate to finally discuss with you, but he would look at your face, your pretty smile, and chicken out, not wanting to ruin anything that the two of you had. The gap between friends and couple seemed nearly impossible to cross.

"Dude, the worst that will happen is she says she's not into you. Just do it."

"What if she doesn't want to be friends anymore? What if I just ruin everything, Tanaka?"

Everyone in the vicinity who had heard him voice his concerns to Tanaka had told him that he was thinking about it too much. "Why would she say no?" "Have you seen how she looks at you? She's totally into you!" "It's easy. You've asked Kiyoko out a hundred times."

But, this- this was different. This wasn't some silly school boy crush that he knew wasn't going to ever happen. He had come to know you like the back of his hand. You had become one of his closest friends and the thought that he could lose it all with one simple question ruined any sort of confidence that he had.

He was scared. Terrified might be a better description though. He could feel his chest tighten at the simple thought of confronting this dragon. It had been a long time since Nishinoya had felt this level of fear about anything. Fear closed windows of opportunities and he knew that this was the case here, but if it meant that he could continue having you in his life? He'd let that window stay closed.

You looked so peaceful, sitting across from him at the table, head buried in your homework. Strands of your hair kept slipping into your eyes and Noya found himself lost in the repetitive motion of you sweeping them back behind your ear. You had the cap of your ink pen stuck between your teeth, deep in thought, as if you didn't even notice that he was there.

It was these moments of simple beauty that pulled Nishinoya further and further in love with you. Over his months of friendship with you, it was always these really simple moments that he cherished more than anything else. Doing homework together or just sitting on the floor of his living room, marathoning movies in pajamas with a bowl of popcorn tucked securely between the two of you, the physical barrier, his personal reminder that he shouldn't lean over and wrap his arms around you to pull you into his lap.

There was a heavy sigh that left your lips as you sat your pen down, leaning back in your seat. It was enough warning for him to snap his head down to his own page to pretend that he was just as hard at work as you had been. He leaned forward on his knee, pressing his elbow into his thigh in a desperate attempt to stop the nervous bouncing of his leg.

He shouldn't be this scared. He'd asked people out before. This shouldn't be any different. You were just another person that he had a crush on. A simple, "Do you want to go on a date with me?" was all that it would take. That's it. It was easy, but anytime that he even tried to utter out that question, it was like his voice stopped working.

"Hey, Noya?" Your voice echoes through his ears, forcing him to slowly raise his head to look at you. "Can you help me?"

"O-oh, yeah. I can try," he answers, the shake in his voice obvious even to him. But, you seemed to be so lost in your problem that you didn't even notice the tremor in his hand as he sat down next to you, taking your pen from you, so he can show you how to work out the math problem on your paper.

Describe yourself in one word: Distracted

The feeling of Nishinoya's slim shoulder pressed against yours as he walked you through the problem brought your head into a heavy haze, unable to concentrate on what he was saying and the numbers that he was scrawling across your page. Before you knew it, he was circling in a sloppy 7/19 and you had no idea where he got that.

"Did that make sense?"

No. I was too busy thinking about you.

"Yeah. Thank you."

It should've been his cue to leave, but the little libero stayed where he was, shoulder pressed against yours. You would've loved to continue working, but you knew that you would never be able to think about the numbers on your page with his close proximity. If you could just lean over and kiss him-

But, you couldn't do that. You didn't want to have to look at him after he inevitably pushed you away from him, a disgusted look on his face. You couldn't run the risk of ruining everything for your own selfish feelings, but he looked so cute sitting beside you, leg bouncing as he got lost in his own thoughts.

Describe yourself in one word: Selfish

It was selfish and greedy for him to do it. He was thinking only of himself and how he felt right there and then. He was thinking about how cute you were when you smiled and how beautiful the sound of your laugh was. Nishinoya was wondering what Chapstick flavor you had used that day. Was it the cherry that he had watched you apply so many times or did you use the peach one that you just bought? He was wondering how it would taste against his own lips.

He was selfish and he shouldn't have done it, but his hand was turning your face towards his before he could catch himself. Your eyes were wide and confused, but even so, you were the one who closed the gap, pushing your lips to his in a kiss that had him melting under the simplicity of it and the feeling of your hands resting on his thighs.

It made his head spin and, if he was honest, he'd be okay if it never stopped. There were short breathless pauses of smiles and foreheads pressed together before lips connected again, desperate to remember that this wasn't just a dream, that this was really happening, and that neither of you were shoving the other away.

He was selfish for wanting to taste that peach flavored Chapstick one more time.

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