Bokuto Koutarou - The Ideal Date

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Being a professional volleyball player came with a lot of perks. Bokuto got to continue doing what he loved. He had built-in friends that came in the form of teammates. But, the best part, well, let's just say that the number on his paycheck was definitely nothing to sneeze at.

By now, you were more than used to your boyfriend's impulse buys. "Babe! I bought one of those robot vacuum things! So, if we ever get a cat, it can ride around and then we can be YouTube famous!" "Hey, Y/N! Come check out this really awesome pool floaty I got for us! What? Yeah, I know it's a little big, but still!" "Babe, what's your shoe size? Oh, I'm just buying us light-up Heelys." So, you were in no way shocked when he came home, twirling a set of keys around his finger, a smug grin on his face.

"What'd you buy, Kou?" You ask, putting your laptop to the side, knowing that whatever he was about to say was going to be infinitely more interesting that the video that you had been watching.

"I got a new toy," he claims, his smile never dropping. He's sliding on the couch next to you, an arm wrapped around your shoulders. "Picture this, babe. You and me, hitting the open road, speakers blaring while we cruise the streets. We'll go down to the beach or maybe just take a road trip, the rush of wind messing up our hair. Your Heelys propped up against the dashboard, sunglasses covering your eyes. Just the two of us, cruising, looking so cool that everyone is going to stop and stare as we roll on by."

It sounded perfect. Well, except the Heelys, but you could discuss that with him later. Long car rides with Bokuto were always one of your favorite things. His hand resting on your thigh, one of your arms resting on the back of his seat so you can play with hair, both of you screaming the lyrics to the songs on the radio at the top of your lungs. Dumb conversations about why paper is white or what would the world be like if there were no fish. They didn't get to happen often with his busy schedule, but when the two of you did get to take those long drives, they never failed to be your favorite memories.

But, wait- oh God- "You did not just blow your paycheck on a car, did you? You just got that car last year!" You fret. He was still paying off the one in the driveway. He didn't need to add another one on top of that!

"No! No, I didn't get a car. I got something better!"

Well, to say you were lost was an understatement. He had been talking about how he wanted to get a motorcycle. . . But, as far as you knew, he hadn't gotten his license for it yet. Maybe he had gotten it and was waiting to surprise you? But, you weren't too sure you could have 'your Heelys propped up against the dashboard' if you were on a motorcycle.

He notices the tight knit of your brows as they lace together in complete confusion. "Do you give up?" He asks, bouncing in his spot from all this pent up excitement.

"Yeah, I do. What'd you get, baby?"

"Well, I'm not just going to tell you! Go get the speaker and meet me outside, okay?" Bokuto is on his feet, running out the front door before you have the chance to say anything else. You can only sigh and do as he asks.

Speaker in hand, you grab your sunglasses from the table before you walk out the door to see whatever the hell Bokuto brought home this time. "Holy shit-"

Your oh-so-incredible boyfriend was leaning against a shiny red golf cart, his own sunglasses covering his bright amber eyes. "What do you think of the new ride?" His mouth was twisted into a proud smirk as he patted the top of the cart.

You- You were speechless. Of all the things in the world, you did not expect him to bring home a golf cart. A Barbie jeep would have been more on brand for him, but, there he stood, reveling in the sight of his hot new ride.

"What do you say, Y/N? Wanna go for a spin?"

At this point, there was no way you could say no. This whole thing was too ridiculous. Of course you were going to go for a ride. So, you slide onto the seat next to him, starting the playlist that the two of you always use when you drive. Your fingers find themselves tangled in his hair and as soon as he's backed out of the driveway, he's got one large hand on your thigh. It's like nothing is different.

Well, okay, there were some differences.

"Hey, Koutarou?"


"Is this as fast as we can go?"

"Oh, yeah! This baby tops out at 25 kilometers per hour. It's one of the faster models on the floor."

"We sure are some speed demons."

"You know it, baby!" He lets out a loud hoot of excitement as he yanks the wheel into a hard left turn, cruising through the neighborhood as all your neighbors stop what they're doing to watch the young couple of the community take a drive through their streets, admiring the pair of light-up Heelys propped against the dashboard.

I've posted a LOT of heavy chapters lately, so I'm here to break things up and give you this dumbassery before I go break your hearts again :D 

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