What Do You Mean No?! - Bokuto Koutarou

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You stood at your locker, gathering your books for the next class. Akaashi Keiji stood just to the other side of you, doing the same. The raven-haired boy gave you a slightly annoyed look when he heard the familiar "Oh ho ho" that came from his best friend. You returned the look without even a slight moment of hesitation.

The salt-and-pepper-haired, owlish ace came bounding down the hallway towards the both of you. Yes, the three of you were friends, but that doesn't mean that Bokuto didn't sometimes make you want to strangle him.

Bokuto slung his arms around your's and Akaashi's shoulders, his notebook dangling against Akaashi's chest. You both try to duck away from his touch and Akaashi does manage to escape, but you, on the other hand, were firmly caught and held against Bokuto's side so you couldn't attempt to get away again.

You pursed your lips. Of course, he lets Akaashi go. Bokuto just used this as an excuse to get his arm around you. You had become fully aware of the ace's crush on you and you, honestly, found it a tad annoying. You, in no way, shape, or form, were looking for a boyfriend. Especially not a boyfriend who had an emotional stability as wild as the ocean. But, Bokuto just didn't seem to get that from the way you had been acting ever since the crush seemed to have begun.

You shut your locker as Akaashi did the same. You started to readjust your books, but they're taken from you. You stare up at Bokuto as he adds your textbook and notebook to his small stack of books. "What?" He asks once he notices your look of seeming disapprovement.

"I can carry my own books, Kou," you explain, reaching for your stuff.

He holds them above his head, knowing you could only reach them if you jumped up on his back or something stupid like that. "Don't complain that a guy is actually doing something nice, Y/N."

You cross your arms over your chest, returning your gaze to the floor. Akaashi mutters a quiet and quick goodbye as he reaches his class. You quickly look up at the boy next to you in confusion. "We passed your room," you say, starting to turn around.

"I'm walking you to class. You always have to walk alone."

You were about to interject, about to say that Akaashi would sometimes walk you the rest of the way down the hall if the gossip was especially good that day. You shut your mouth and decided it was probably best not to tell him such a thing.

"Besides, I wanted to talk to you about something," Bokuto adds. You say nothing, just raise an expectant eyebrow up at him, signalling him to go on. He clears his throat, suddenly becoming very nervous as he comes to a stop outside of your classroom. You lean back against the wall, watching as the hands on the clock tick closer and closer to the moment when the bell will ring.

He doesn't meet your eyes as he searches for the right words. This was a Bokuto you very rarely saw. Usually, when asking out girls, Bokuto was very bold, positive they would say yes, because "Who could say no to Bokotu Koutarou?" in his words. But, here he was, shifting uneasily on his feet, wide eyes refusing to meet yours, the hand that wasn't holding your things was stuffed into the pocket of his slacks. You actually found it to be a rather adorable image of your obnoxious friend.

"So, um, I've liked you for a while now. I mean, you probably already know, because Akaashi can't keep his mouth shut about this sort of stuff. But, anyway, I was just wondering if, maybe, you, um, wanted to go catch a movie or something with me this weekend?" He asks, looking at you hopefully.

You give him a warm smile. "You're so cute when you're nervous. But, no," you say, reaching for your books.

He pulls them behind his back. "What do you mean 'No'?!" he shouts, causing the others in the hall to stare at the two of you.

"I mean no, Koutouro. I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now and I'm not really sure I would even want to date you if I was."

His face falls. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, come on. You're, like, one of my best friends! You can't tell me that the two of us dating and then breaking up wouldn't make things awkward between us. And how do you think Keiji would feel when he becomes a third wheel?"

"Akaashi liked the idea of us going out when I told him! And who said we were going to break up?!"

"Kou, this is high school. You really can't tell me that you expect us to date and then get married."

He looks away. "It would be nice," he mumbled.

You laugh at him. "Look, I appreciate the offer, I really do, but I don't feel that way about you." You reach and grab his arm, taking your books from his grasp. "I'll see you after class, Koutarou." You start to walk into your class.

"No! Wait, Y/N." Bokuto grabs your wrist, turning you back to face him. "One date. Humor me. Let me take you out once. If you still don't want to date me, fine. But, give me one chance to change your mind."

"You're not going to give up until I say yes, are you?" You ask. He quickly shakes his head. You release a sigh. "Fine. One date. But that's it."

"Thanks, Y/N! I promise, you won't regret this," he says, regaining his usual perkiness as he smiles down at you.

"Yeah, whatever," you grumble, ducking away from him as he tries to place a kiss on your cheek. "Get to class." You push him lightly in the direction towards his classroom.

You slide into your seat just as the bell rings. You just couldn't keep your mind off of it. There was a new feeling that came into your heart when he had asked you to go on a date with him. It was something that felt like fear. But, it was, in a strange way, a good fear. It felt exhilerating. You never expected yourself to have feelings for Bokuto Koutarou, but were those feelings finally creeping up on you?

A/N: So, I've only been asked out, like, once, maybe twice. So, I'm not entirely sure what it feels like to be asked out, but this is kind of how I imagine I would feel. Anyway, I've been wanting to write this for the longest time! But, my wifi has been a bitch lately, so I haven't been able to post it. As usual, comment/vote. -med_01

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