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Hi!  Thank you for stopping by :)  I'm Maddi and I'll be with you for this collection of work!

Some things before we hop right into it:

- This is a collection of my writing that dates from 2015-now!  So, while it starts out kinda cringey and pretty cliche, it does improve exponentially.  If you'd like to skip over the not-so-great, a good starting place is "Akaashi Keiji - Sleep Deprived" or if you're looking for my more recent content "Bokuto Koutarou - Just Friends" is where my 2020 writing begins!

- There are some chapters that do contain themes that could be triggering for some individuals as well as some that may just make some people uncomfy in general.  I try to place warnings at the beginnings of those chapters, but if I miss anything important, feel free to either comment or dm me and I can make any necessary adjustments.

- As you read you will come across some curse words, mostly in my earlier work?? I've pretty much cut them out entirely of my recent stuff apart from dialogue, but they're still around.

- Feel free to jot down any fic ideas that you may have! Preferably on this line or in my dms, just so I don't have to go searching through chapters to find your request 😅

- I cross-post to my Tumblr account (@come-on-shitty-boys).  I feed Tumblr first as it has become my main platform.  I post fics every other day along with some general ramblings about Haikyuu!

This book is sort of like my child?  It's a nice portfolio of my growth as a writer over the past 4-5 years, including not only my development of a writing style, but also gaining more confidence my work.  So, with all of that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this little look into my past and my journey to now.  

Much love and thank you for joining xx

Author-chan Maddi

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