Kuroo Tetsurou - Fanboy

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"I can't believe you dragged me out of bed at 7 a.m. to come watch volleyball," Kenma grumbled, rubbing his tired eyes.  "You don't even care about the game.  You just want to stare at Y/N."

"That is not true!" That was totally true.  He saw you play at the national high school tournament two years ago and he just couldn't keep you out of his mind since.  You were easily the best player in that tournament and recruiters were quick to see it too.  Not only were you one of the best collegiate volleyball players in the country, but you were recruited for Japan's national team right after high school.  When Kuroo saw you for the first time two years ago, he never would have thought that he would be seeing you play in Tokyo at the Olympics, but here he was, staring at the giant poster of you and your teammates that was hung up above the gym door.

Walking into the gym, Kenma and Kuroo took their seats next to Bokuto and Akaashi.  Kuroo's eyes instantly searched for you.  He quickly found the number nine jersey that he had grown to associate with you.  Your hair was braided down your back to keep it out of your face.  He smiled to himself as he watched you warm up with the rest of your team.

"You're still in love with her?" Bokuto asks, following Kuroo's gaze. 

"I am not in love with her!" He was totally in love with you.  He thought you were stunning and every interview that he had seen with you made you seem like the nicest girl in the world.  He wanted to learn everything about you, or at least, all of the things he didn't know already.  He followed you on all of your social media and followed a few too many fan pages about you and the rest of the team.  He just loved watching your career grow before his very eyes. 

"Okay. Whatever you say," Bokuto laughed. 

Kuroo opened his mouth to further object, but the referee blew his whistle signaling the start of the match and the end of the conversation.


The final whistle blew as the volleyball hit the floor for the final time.  After five sets, Japan had managed to pull ahead Spain to win the match 3-2.  The crowd erupted with cries of joy and the girls on the floor all hugged each other, wiping tears from their eyes as they secured the gold medal.  

The people in the crowd started streaming out the door to get a meal before the men's game started.  However, Kuroo was going against the crowd, desperate to get as close to the floor as possible.  He saw you talking to a group of girls up in the stands and he wanted the chance to see you and talk to you in person.  He was jostled with every step down and eventually resorted to climbing over the backs of stadium seats.  With the last chair until he reached you, his foot got caught, sending him face first into the metal railing.  

He heard your gasp before he ever saw your face.  He cursed, holding his throbbing nose as he struggled to untangle his legs from the plastic seat.  "Are you okay?" He hears a voice ask.

Kuroo said nothing, just nodded before opening his eyes.  His eyes were greeted by your Y/E/C ones.  "Oh my God..." He muttered, scrambling away from you. 

"What? What's wrong? I'm sorry if I scared you!" You say from your spot on the gym floor.  

"No... No. That's not it.  I just... Wow. I can't believe this! I'm actually talking to you!"

You laughed a little, shocked at his words.  "Yeah, you are.  I didn't realize it was that exciting."

"I'm just a really big fan and... oh my God. I made a complete fool of myself in front of you.  This is so embarrassing.  I'm so sorry.  Please, forget everything.  I really don't want you to remember me as that guy who fell down the bleachers."

"I'll tell people that you fell for me.  Does that make you feel better?" 

"Not really, but I'll take it.  God, I'm such an idiot.  I shouldn't have even come down here to talk to you.  What was I thinking!  You probably have a thousand better things to do than talk to me, but you're way too nice to tell me to go away."

"Don't talk like that! I love meeting and getting to know my fans.  I really don't mind taking the time to talk to you.  Besides, you're cute."  You pause for a moment, staring at Kuroo's awestruck face.  "Oh my God.  Did I just say that out loud?" 

Kuroo nods slowly, his mouth agape.  "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said that! You're probably super weirded out now... I'll just walk away," you fret, starting to walk away from him.

"Wait!" Kuroo hops over the railing, grabbing your shoulder.  "If you think I'm cute and if I think you're cute, do you want to go do something sometime?  I can't believe I just asked you on a date.  You're going to say no.  What is wrong with me!" Kuroo muttered, smacking his palm against his forehead.  

"You know, I would like to go do something with you," you say, pulling his hand away from his face.  "But, you never told me your name and my father told me to never go on dates with strangers."

"Kuroo Tetsurou and I am your number one fan.  Honestly, I'm an idiot and I can't believe that I came down here to talk to you and now we're going on a date and- what are you doing?"

"Giving you my number, duh," you say, typing in his phone that you had taken from his hands.  "Smile!" You say, turning the camera to face the both of you.  "It was really great getting to meet you, Kuroo Tetsurou! Make sure to call me sometime!" You say, handing him back his phone before running off to the locker room, leaving Kuroo to scream internally.

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