Kageyama Tobio - After

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You rolled over, groaning as the sun filtered through the blinds over the window.  You pulled the duvet over your head to block out the light.  You weren't ready to get up and face the day.  You had a job interview at a big production company today and you weren't really sure how your potential bosses would respond to the markings your boyfriend left the night before.

"Shit," you heard a voice grumble from the kitchen.  You sit up, deciding you should probably see what Kageyama is grumpy about this morning.  You swung your feet over the edge of the bed, resting your toes on the cold hardwood of your bedroom floor.  You pulled Tobio's shirt from the night before over your naked body.  

"Tobio, what are you doing?" You asked, staring up at your boyfriend who was standing on top of the counter in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts and an apron with a towel in his hand.

He stared awkwardly at the ceiling.  "I may have gotten pancake batter on your ceiling."

"How did you get pancake batter on my ceiling?!"

"Let's just say that I am terrible at flipping pancakes..." He mutters, hopping down from the counter as he finished scrubbing the batter away.   

"Blueberry?"  You ask, looking into the little bowl with batter.

"Why would I make blueberry pancakes when you hate blueberry anything?" He retorts.

"Because you like blueberry pancakes," you point out.  

"They're chocolate chip," Tobio says, spooning batter into the pan as you look over the not-so-round pancakes sitting on a platter.

You nodded slightly, wrapping your arms around his waist, kissing the skin of his shoulder lazily. His skin radiated the warmth you so desperately yearned for.  The cool touch your fingers left on his stomach as they traced over the muscles caused Kageyama to shiver slightly.

"Tired?" He asks as you stifle a yawn, nuzzling your face into his shoulder blade.  You nod a little as he smiles softly.  "Do you want some coffee?"

"Yes, please," you mumble.

"Well, come on," he says, walking over to the cabinet by the coffee maker, you still latched onto his waist.  

"Why'd you make breakfast anyway?  You never eat breakfast."

"I wanted to apologize for those," he says, turning and running his fingers over the markings on the side of your neck.  "You have an interview today and you don't need those... accessories."

"Pancakes and coffee don't make up for everything, you know," you point out, taking the cup of coffee from his hands.

"Maybe not, but they do make up for most things.  Especially my pancakes."

"You do make some pretty great pancakes..." you agree, swiping one from the plate by the stove.

"Get out of my pancakes!" He exclaims, smacking your hand lightly.

"Fuck off, Tobio."  You push him lightly in the chest.  He moves away from you, but not before he quickly takes a bite of your pancake.

"You're right," he says, swallowing his bite.  "I make some pretty great pancakes.  I'm, like, the King of Pancakes."

"Oh no.  The egocentric king is back," you scold.

"Only when it comes to pancakes.  Besides, if I'm a king, then you get to be my queen."  He nuzzles his face into your neck, giving the skin tiny kisses.

You push him away, holding him away from you as he looks at you sadly, disappointed that you're denying him kisses.  "Oh, honey, I'm a queen without you."  You turn away from him, walking back to your room to get ready for your interview.

"Why do you say such things?" He whines, hitting his head on the cabinets.  He takes a deep breathe and a burning scent fills his nostrils.  "Shit! My pancakes!

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