Tendou Satori - So, Maybe I Am Jealous

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You all are going to be 22-23 in this.

You walked into the restaurant, your boyfriend close behind you  "How many?" The hostess asks.

"Two, please," Oikawa says, placing his hands on your shoulders as you smile.

"Okay, right this way," she says, leading the two of you to your table.  She placed the menus on the table and gave a polite smile.  "Your server will be with you shortly."

"Alright, thank you," you say as Oikawa slides your chair out for you before pushing you in and sitting in his seat. You both looked over the menu, making small talk.  It was your one year anniversary with Tooru and he was treating you to a fancy dinner in celebration.

Your server arrived moments later.  "Good evening.  My name is Tendou and I'll be your waiter for the evening.  Can I start you off with something to drink?"  He looks up from his notepad and finally gets his first good look at the couple in front of him and he has to try to keep himself composed.  Here was his ex on a date with another guy.  Yes, the two of you had been broken up over a year, but Tendou had a lot of trouble moving on from you.  He had been with other girls, but none of them made him feel the same way you had.

Oikawa looked across the table at you, taking your hand in his.  You had your face buried in the menu as you desperately tried not to meet the eyes of the young gentleman you used to call yours.  "Two glasses of water and a bottle of wine, if you don't mind," Oikawa says, giving your hand a small squeeze.

Tendou grabs the wine selection lift from his apron pocket and hands it to him.  "Take your pick. The last one is our most popular, but I like that one," he says, pointing to one of the other selections.

"We'll take the last one."

"Okay..." He mutters, writing it down.  "I'll be right back with that."

"Y/N-chan," Tooru sings, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb

You look up at him and give him a soft smile.  "Yes, Tooru?"

"If he makes you uncomfortable, we can ask for a different waiter.  It's no trouble."

"No.  No, sorry.  I'm just causing problems and making it awkward for myself.  He's fine.  I promise," you assure, half to him and half to yourself.  The two of you broke up a long time ago, why was it still weird for you?  It shouldn't be  You should be over it, besides you were the one who broke things off with him.

Tendou came back with two glasses of water and the ice bucket that held the bottle of wine.  He set the glasses in front of the two of you before placing the ice bucket at the end of the table.  Tendou quickly removed the cork and poured the wine into two glasses before putting the cork back it and placing the bottle back in the ice.  "Now, what can I get you to eat?"  You and Tooru placed your orders and Tendou walked off to put the order in.

He went back to the break room.  He needed to breath.  Tendou sat in one of the cheap plastic chairs and held his head in his hands.  "God dammit," he hissed, pressing his palms into his eyes to keep the tears from spilling.  He kicked at the chair next to him, knocking it to the floor.  He wiped at his eyes with the sleeve of his black dress shirt.

The break room door swung open.  "Oh ho ho?  Is Tendou Satori crying?"

"Fuck off, Bokuto."

He laughed, picking up the chair and turning it before sitting in it backwards.  He tilted his head at the red-head.  "So, what's up?"

"It's... It's nothing."

"You're crying over nothing?  Lame!  Come on, tell Daddy Bokuto what's wrong."

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