Tendou Satori - More Than Lab Partners

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You walked into your chemistry class, already dreading this period.  You sat your books down on your desk before making your way to the back wall where the lab partner postings were. You searched for your name on the list.  Your heart dropped when you saw whom you were paired with.  Tendou...  You knew you would be doing the entire project by yourself regardless of who you got partnered with.  But, why did you have to get put with Tendou?  He was just so annoying.

You made your way to your desk, sinking down into the chair.  An all to well known chuckle filled your ears.  "This should be a fun experience," Tendou's voice comes.  A presence appears in front of you and you look up into the smirking eyes of Tendou Satori.  "We should get to work, shouldn't we?" 

"I'll get to work.  You just sit here and try to look pretty, okay?"

"Fair enough.  Wakatoshi-kun?" He called.  The ace looked up from his notebook to cast his gaze upon the obnoxious male in question.  "Who'd you get paired up with?"

He points to Semi Eita who is busy sharpening his pencil at the front of the room.  "Ah, you're so lucky, Wakatoshi-kun!" Tendou whines. "I wish I had a good partner."

"I'm sure Y/L/N-san also wishes for a good partner." 

You can't help but giggle slightly at the comment and the look of shock on Tendou's face.  Ushijima smirks a bit at you before going back to the lab tables with Semi in tow.  You also go back to the lab, pulling out a graduated cylinder from the cabinet and filling it with water.  Tendou sits on the stool next to you, watching what you do intently.  "What are we supposed to do?"

"Maybe if you would pay attention you would know what was going on," you say, putting the piece of copper on the scale.

He groaned, resting his chin on the black table top.  Tendou stares up you with his wide eyes.  "Tell me what to do."

"I don't know.  Stay out of my way, I guess?"

"No," he whined.  "I want a real job!  I'm going to make it my mission to be the best partner ever, okay?"

"Have fun with that, Tendou-san."

"Do you want a pencil?  I'm going to go get you a pencil," Tendou says, starting to get up.

"I have a pencil.  You could go put this up and get the next sample though," you say, handing him the lump of copper.

"Yes, ma'am!" He gives you a cheesy salute before walking off, making you smile.  Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all...

He places the sample in front of you.  You put it on the scale in front of you, moving the slides to balance it.  "23 grams," you mumble, starting to write it down.

Tendou grabs your notebook away from you.  This action causes you to create a giant grey streak down the center of your paper.  You groan loudly.  "I'm going to write it!" Satori interjects, taking your pencil and writes down the measurements.  

You roll your eyes.  "Fine. Whatever."

The two of you continue to work on your project until the bell rings.  Tendou closes your notebook as you begin to put the stuff away.  "Y/N-chan?  Can I borrow your notebook to copy down our notes?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever."

"Thank you, Y/N-chan!  You're the best partner."

"I know," you mumble as Tendou walks out.


You open your locker as the school day comes to a close.  "Y/N-chan!"  A voice shouts.

You peer behind the door and lay your eyes upon the red-haired volleyball player, the purple tie of his uniform beginning to come undone.  He stops in front of you, leaning against the locker next to yours.  "Hold these for me," you say, handing him your small stack of text books.  You reach up, gently undoing his neck tie before quickly retying it.  You tighten the knot against his throat.

Tendou makes a gagging face and starts to reach to loosen up your work.  You quickly slap his hand away.  "But, it's choking me," he whines.

"Well, you look a lot better with it tied properly."

"Are you telling me that you didn't find me insanely attractive before?"

"I still don't find you attractive.  Now, what do you want?" You ask, putting the books that were in his hands in your backpack.

"Well, you see," he starts, running his long fingers across the back of his neck, "I copied down your notes, but...."

"You don't understand them do you?" you finish, closing your locker and fastening the lock back.


You sigh.  "Do you have volleyball after school?"

"Yes, but I can be late," he says, taking your now full backpack from you and putting it over his shoulder along with his.  

"Okay," you say, following him down the hallway.  He enters the library and sits down at one of the tables.  "You actually know where the library is?" You retort, taking a seat next to him.

He stares at you with annoyed eyes.  "Funny."  He sets his notebook on the table in front of the two of you.  You begin to reach for your notebook out of your bag, but he grabs your wrist.  "What are you doing?"

"Getting my notes?"  You say, confusion etching into your voice.

"No!  Can't we just use my notes?"

"What did you do to my notebook, Tendou?"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Then why are you holding me and refusing to let me get my notes?"

"You know, actually, I don't need help.  I think I got it now.  Thanks, Y/N-chan!" He quickly gets up, shoving his notebook in his back, giving you a slight bow before running out of the library, a bright blush on his face.

You grab your notebook and flip to your notes, beginning to highlight some important data.  A single sentence, however, stops you.  It wasn't written in your hand.  It was, in fact, quite sloppy compared to yours and it matched the numbers in the data table.  Go out with me this weekend? Text me later.  224-1790-8326 - T

This was bad.  I'm sorry.  There really wasn't even a plot to this... Oh well

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