Terushima Yuuji - Hello, My Name Is F*ckboy

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*Warning: The f-word is used a few times

A new school year meant new classes, new students, and new experiences.  It also meant welcome back to hell and boredom.  But, to Terushima, a new school year meant new pets.  Preying on all the pretty first years was his favorite part of the school year.  They were so eager for their first taste of a high school boy that they fell easily into Terushima's hands every year.

So, there he stood, leaned against the wall with his friends, awaiting the arrival of his new toys.  Every single year, the first years walked in together, never wanting to have to walk the halls alone on the first day.  This was the first time he saw you.  Your Y/E/C eyes shining with the joy of being in a new place and finally being "a high schooler." Your lips were painted in a bright red lipstick as if to further sell the fact that you were almost an adult.  He couldn't help but watch the way the skirt of your uniform swayed as you walked alongside your friends.

"She's first," Terushima says, nodding in your direction.


You rounded the corner out of your classroom when the lunch bell rang.  You patiently waited for your best friend to exit from her own class so the two of you could walk to lunch together.  However, you feel a presence lean against the wall next you.  You turn and meet eyes with one of the third years.  He smirks down at you, causing you to shift your nervous gaze.

"What's your name, first year?"


"Cute.  I'm Terushima Yuuji, but feel free to call me anytime," he says, moving your chin to meet your eyes again.  "Aren't you just a beauty? I gotta say, I haven't seen a first year as gorgeous as you before.  Wanna hang after school?" 

"I-I really shouldn't. I have to study and my p-"

"Well, aren't you just the perfect little student? It's the first day of school and you're already studying."  He takes one of your textbooks from you, looking it over.  "And you're in AP classes?  Fair warning: they're hell."  He hands you back your book and starts to walk away.  "I'll see you around, Y/N."  Terushima winks at you before disappearing into the crowd of students going to the cafeteria.  

You stare after him, still feeling the heat of his hand on your chin.  Had that really just happened?  Your pulled from your thoughts as your best friend's voice enters your ears.  "You ready?" She asks.  You nod, swallowing the lump in your throat as the two of you follow the crowd.

Your lunch in one hand with your books in the other, you find a seat in the crowded cafeteria.  Your friend sits across the table from you.  "So, how was your morn-" She stops, looking at a spot above your head.

"What are you looking at?" You turn and your eyes land on uniform behind you.  You follow the body up and you're greeted with Terushima's smirking face. "Oh..."

"Mind if I sit?" He asks.  Without waiting for your answer, he slides into the seat next to you.  "Terushima Yuuji," he offers, answering the unspoken question that was buried in your friend's throat.

"Why aren't you sitting with your friends?" You ask.

"Well, since you won't hang out with me after school, I thought I should spend as much time with you at school as I possibly can."

You look down at your food, not saying a word.  You wished that he would just go away.  You had always hated attention, but something told you that you were not getting rid of Terushima anytime soon.


Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and still, Terushima Yuuji hadn't let up his chase. He was always waiting to walk you to lunch or to the train station after school.  He was a regular visitor at your lunch table and you had begun to learn more and more about the third year who seemed so intrigued with you.  You learned that he played volleyball and that he was well-ranked in his class.  He was a frequent party-goer on the weekends and, most importantly, Terushima Yuuji had a reputation.  "Don't get too close.  He's a fuckboy.  He just wants to sleep with you."  At least, that's what the third year girls told you when they noticed how much time he was spending with you.  

That last piece of information made your decision that much harder.  But, you were about to be failing AP Biology and you needed help.  No one else in your class liked you, so this was your last resort.  This was the first day in a while that Terushima hadn't waited for you outside of your classroom, but his blond crew-cut was easy to spot in the cafeteria.  You gathered your courage and marched up to him, slamming your book on the table to get his attention. 

Terushima smirks up at you.  "Well, look who it is."  He grabs you by the waist and pulls you to sit on his thigh.  "What can I do for you, princess?"

"Tutor me."

"And what would be in it for me?"

"I'll... I'll pay you 500 yen an hour," you offer, suddenly losing your confidence as his hot breath fans across your neck.  

His smirk grows and you can see the mischievous glint in his eyes.  "Princess, I don't want your money," he says, placing a hand on your leg.

Your breath catches.  So, this is where his true colors finally come out; when I'm most desperate for his help.  You bite your lip.  "I know the stories, Terushima.  I know how you are and if that's what it's going to take to get you to tutor me, then I'll just fail."  You move away from him, gathering your things.  "I should've known better.  Sorry for interrupting your lunch," you say, walking out of the cafeteria.

You're halfway to your locker when you hear shoes hitting the tile floor in rapid succession.  "Y/N, stop.  Wait, will you?!" Terushima shouts.  "Can I say something?"

"What could you possibly have to say to me? I am not going to be some kind of toy for you to play with until you get bored!  I don't have the time to waste on a fuckboy like you!" You snap, turning around to glare at him.

He stops.  His face falls and you don't think you've ever seen him so hurt.  "Is that all I am to you? A fuckboy?  I spent three months getting to know you and trying to be your friend and you just think that I'm some asshole who wants to get in your pants?"

"What do you expect me to think? Everyone has told me to stay away from you! They all say that I'm just going to get hurt.  If you were my friend, you wouldn't have pulled that stunt in the cafeteria."

"Look, Y/N, I'm sorry.  Really, I am.  I didn't know that would bother you so much.  I was out of line... If you stop glaring at me and promise not to hit me, I'll tell you the truth."

"What, Terushima?"

He walks closer to you, holding your wrists in his hands so you can't run away from him.  "In the beginning, that's all I wanted.  When I said that I had never seen anyone like you, I meant it.  Every time I would close my eyes, I saw your stupidly cute face.  I thought you were going to be so naive and easy, but, boy, was I wrong.  I didn't want to give up, so I started getting to know you better, so that maybe you would trust me.  But, somewhere along the way, I lost sight of that initial plan.  I started genuinely like you, but I couldn't let my friends know that I was falling for some little first year whose heart I was supposed to break, hence my cafeteria stunt... I'm sorry, Y/N.  If the offer is still there, I would love to tutor you."

"If you're going to tutor me, we're doing it here, so you don't get any ideas," you say.

He smiles softly.  "Deal.  Now, come on.  It's time for your first tutoring session," he says, pulling you back to the cafeteria.  "And I promise that I won't make you sit on my lap."  He looks over his shoulder at you and smirks, winking at you playfully. "That is, unless you want to."

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