Oikawa Tooru - I Feel Pretty

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"Come babysit with me", you said.

"It'll be fun," you said.

You fucking lied.

He had arrived at your apartment to find a small four year old running down the hallway, your cat in his arms.  Paper towels trailed through the flat.  Oikawa almost turned around, about to leave as if he had never been there to begin with.  But, you caught him.  You had poked your head out of the door of the kitchen, flour decorating your Y/H/C hair.  You approached him, wrapping your arms around his waist.  "Hey, babe," he said, dusting the white powder from your hair.  

"I'm so glad you're here.  This will be so much fun!" You exclaimed, bouncing slightly on the balls of your feet.

But, a few hours later, your niece Saichi was pulling at his hair in an attempt to braid the longer pieces of his hair.  A variety of clips were stuck into the brown locks, tugging painfully at his scalp.  She leaps to her feet so she is standing on the soft cushions of the couch.  "Aunt Y/N? Where's the flower crown?"

Oikawa whips around, staring at the little girl with wide eyes.  "Flower crown?  Oh, no.  Saichi, I think I'm okay without it."

"No! You're not pretty yet!"  She jumps off the couch, running to you, taking the headband of white and pink daisies that Oikawa never remembered you wearing from your hands.  Saichi placed the crown daintily on his head, studying him for a long moment.  "You're still ugly."

"Ouch..." Oikawa mutters under his breath.  

"You need make-up."

"I need what now?" He says, his face going pale.  

She giggled, pulling a child's palate of various brightly colored powders and glosses from a small Frozen themed backpack.  "Okay, first the foundation," Saichi says, rubbing the powder puff in the shimmery tan color before applying it to his cheeks in heavy streaks.  "I think you need pink eye shadow..."  She coats her pointer finger in the hot pink eye shadow on the palate.

Oikawa stared at her for a good thirty seconds before Saichi laughed.  "You need to close your eyes, silly."  He reluctantly closed his eyes, letting the girl spread the color rather forcefully to his eyelids.  When he opens them, he sees her taking another pink and layering this pink on top of the shimmery tan that coats his cheeks.

"What color lipstick do you want?" She asks, pulling tubes of lip gloss and children's lipstick from her bag.  "I think sparkles."

"How about this hot pink and then you can put this pink sparkly one over it?" Tooru suggests, picking up the two different tubes.  

"Ooh! That's going to be so cute," she squeals happily.  She takes the hot pink, globbing it over his lips.  "Go like this," she says, smacking her lips together.  Oikawa does as she asks before letting her put the sparkly one on.  

"There!  We're all done," she says, handing him a compact. 

"I look so hot.  Kylie Jenner might want to watch out, because I'm about to become the hottest person of all time."  Oikawa takes his phone from his pocket, opening his camera.  "Get in these glamour shots so everyone can see my amazing make-up artist," he says.  Saichi laughs, climbing into his lap and copying his facial expressions as Tooru snaps a great number of selfies. 

The pair look up from the phone when they hear laughter.  You are standing in the doorway, a plate of chocolate chip cookies in one hand.  Saichi runs over to you, gripping your free hand tightly.  "Look how great Uncle Tooru is!" She shouts.

You and Tooru stare at each other for a moment.  Uncle.  It would be a lie to say that Oikawa hadn't thought about one day marrying you.  The two of you had been together for almost four years, so a future wasn't an absurd thought to either one of you.  But, Saichi referring to your boyfriend as 'uncle' brought smiles to both of your faces.  All fears concerning how family would react when Tooru officially joined the family were washed away.

"Yes, Uncle Tooru looks very cute," you say, smiling at the young man who was sat on the floor, sparkly make-up covering his face, multi-colored clips pinning back tiny braids, and a flower crown that was perched precariously on top of his head.

"I feel pretty," Oikawa says simply, flashing you and your niece a wide smile.

You chuckle softly.  "Hey, Saichi, why don't we do Uncle Tooru's nails?"

"Only if they're pink," Oikawa reasons.

"With sparkles!" Saichi adds.

"That sounds beautiful," you say, planting a small kiss on her head.  You place the plate of cookies on the coffee table before going to get the nail polish.  


"Thank you," you say softly, sitting between Tooru's legs on the couch after seeing Saichi off with her mother.  

"It wasn't a problem.  It really wasn't as bad as I was expecting.  Although, I'm going to be sparkling for a month," he jokes.

You laughed.  "Yeah, she did quite a number on you, didn't she?"

"She's going to be my niece too one day.  I thought I should make a good impression on her," Tooru says.

"Well, something tells me that she can't wait to be your niece," you say, leaning up to place a kiss on his sparkly lips.

 Guess who's back!  Yeah.  Me.  Sorry for not updating in a while.  I've been really busy because we just started the play at my school and I haven't really been in a write-y mood, but I finally wrote something!  Yay!  Anyway, have any of your guys seen Cheer Danshi?  Because, if you haven't, you need to.  It is really good and you all need to watch it so I have someone to fangirl with.  And, if you have seen it, can anyone tell me where to find the OVA's?  I have looked all over the internet and I cannot find them anywhere.  So, if you could tell me where I could find those, that would be great... And if you could send me either prompts or ideas, that would be great too...

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