Akaashi Keiji - Chocolate Impressions

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(Single Parent!Akaashi x reader)

"You're stressing out over nothing. It's not like you're going to be with him alone," Akaashi soothes, placing the hand that wasn't holding onto the steering wheel on your thigh in an attempt to get you to stop bouncing your leg.

It was the first time that you would be meeting his son, so there was, of course, something to stress over. What if his son didn't like you and Akaashi broke up with you? What if you weren't cut out to be a step-parent? What if Akaashi realized that you had no idea what to do around kids and decided that he should find some other woman who did? Every hypothetical situation ran through your head, finding the worst possible outcome to conclude them all. You had been worried about this day all week. Akaashi had invited you to spend the weekend with him. Excited to finally be able to enjoy a peaceful weekend with your boyfriend where he wouldn't be on call at the hospital, you were quick to agree. There would be no phone calls in the middle of the night, begging him to come in to assist with a patient. He would finally be able to get a good night of much needed rest and the two of you could just spend some quality time together.

But your plans for the perfect weekend when you caught sight of his calendar hanging on the side of his refrigerator one night when you were over for dinner. There was a red circle around Friday and in Keiji's sloppy script was "My week." He must've noticed the fall in your disposition, because he pushed the skillet to the back burner and wrapped his arms around your waist, a hum as he rested his chin on your shoulder being the only question.

"I didn't realize that your son was going to be here too this weekend."

"I hope you don't mind, but he's important to me. I don't want to move things further with you until he has a chance to meet you."

There was a pause in which you couldn't think of anything to say. Move things further. The fact that he saw you in his future made your heart skip a little in your chest. This weekend was important to him and to your future together, so you were going to try your best not to disappoint.

"You're going to have to cancel any plans that . . . aren't exactly PG," he whispers, a soft kiss placed at the base of your neck.

"Damn, so we can't play Smash Bros?"

You can feel his chest shake against your back as he laughs quietly to himself. "No. No, Smash Bros. until he's back at Akiyo's."

The car slows down to a stop as Akaashi pulls into the driveway of his ex-wife's house. He hides a small yawn in the sleeve of his scrubs, climbing out of the car. Not sure what to do, you stay in your seat. Were you invited inside? His ex-wife had never met you so maybe- no.

"Are you coming in?" Keiji asks, giving you a bemused look.

"Am I allowed to?"

"Am I allowed to," he mocks. There's a playful eye roll as he shuts his door. You watch him walk, anticipating him to head towards the front door, but the passenger door opens and he's holding out his hand for you. "Come on, princess. Let's go."

You follow him up the front steps, your anxiety returning as he rings the doorbell. He gives your hand a firm squeeze as his thumb runs over your knuckles. "You'll be okay," he whispers as footsteps on the other side of the door become audible.

The door swings open to reveal his ex-wife, a polite smile on her perfectly painted lips. "Katashi's just getting his school stuff together. Come in." Akiyo steps out of the way to let you both in and leads you both to the kitchen. "Can I get you anything? Tea? Water?"

"No, we're fine. Thank you."

She nods, sitting down at the table across from you. "I didn't realize that she'd be with you," Akiyo states as if you weren't even there in the first place.

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