Iwaizumi Hajime - It's Been Awhile

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"Y/N! Hajime is here," your mother shouts from the foot of the stairs.

"Send him up!" you yell back, checking your reflection in the mirror.  There was muffled talking and the creaking of stairs before your bedroom door swung open.  "Iwa-chan!" You shout, hugging him tightly around his waist.  Ever since Iwaizumi graduated from high school, your time with him was harshly cut.  What used to be multiple hours a week turned into one or two hours a month, and when he enlisted with the military, the time became even shorter.  

He held you close to him, letting you bury your face in his well-toned chest.  His fingers entangle themselves in your Y/H/C hair.  It had been too long since he has been allowed to hold you, been allowed to have your slight frame held against his.  He missed the feeling of your body, missed the way his hand instinctively went to your hair, missed your coconut smelling shampoo wafting into his nose.  He simply missed everything about you.  

"How's my favorite girl?" He asks, pulling away so he could smile down at you.  

"I'm doing alright.  I'm happy I get to see you."

"Yeah.  I'm happy I could stop by too," Iwaizumi says, the smile never leaving his features.  "It's been too long."

"Yeah, it has. How long are you going to be in town?" You ask excitedly, standing on your toes.

"I'm leaving tomorrow night."

You quickly drop back to your flat feet.  "Oh..."

Iwaizumi sighed heavily.  "I know.  I wish I could come to your volleyball game too, but I can't.  Maybe next time, okay?"

"Next time? If it takes you as long as it did this time to come around, I won't be in high school anymore!"


"No. Just... don't, okay? It's fine. You're busy.  I get it."

"Oh, come on.  Don't be like this," he said, grabbing your wrist as you tried to turn away from him. "I'm sorry that I can't be around as often as you want me to.  I want to be here more too, but you know that I have a life outside of this."

"Yes, Hajime.  I know.  I'm not that ignorant. But, you can't just come here and only stay for a few minutes! If you're going to do that, there's no point in coming back in the first place."


"But, I guess, I'm not worth more than a few minutes of your time now, am I? Mr. Military-man is suddenly too good for his little high school sweetheart."

His grip on your wrist tightens with every word and you notice the muscles of his jaw clenching tight.  "You're being ridiculous.  That's not how it is, Y/N, and you know it."

"Do I? Because, honestly, I don't even feel like we're together anymore.  It's been too long, Iwaizumi.  I can't do this if you're just going to spare me thirty minutes every time you're home.  I need a real relationship, one where someone is there when I need them and not constantly too busy to reply to me."

"What are you trying to say?" He asked softly, already knowing the answer long before the sentence ever left your mouth.

"I think we need to see other people..."

He dropped your hand, his teeth taking his bottom lip between them.  Iwaizumi stared at the floor, almost not quite believing it.  Two and a half years gone in seven words that took less than a second to say.  And all because he was busy trying to make a life for himself. All because he wanted to start putting together funds to have a good life with you. He couldn't find the strength to look at you; he was scared that you would see the pain in his eyes.  

He took a shaky breath, nodding slowly.  "Well, then, I guess I'll take that as my cue to go," he said, giving you the best smile he could muster.

"I'm sorry," you whisper, closing the door behind him as he steps out of your room and out of your life. 

This was short and bad and I apologize.  I've been gone for a really long time, but I've just been super busy.  And I'm not feeling too well (emotionally or physically), so yeah... Sorry for being gone so long...

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