Yamaguchi Tadashi - Evening Petals

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*18th century royalty! AU*

This was the last way that Yamaguchi Tadashi wanted to spend his 21st birthday, but he understood. He was a prince after all. It was necessary for him to find a wife to sit next to him on the throne, but seriously? Today of all days?

His parents and the royal staff had been planning this ball for weeks, so it's not like Yamaguchi could just refuse. Everyone had worked so hard to make this evening special for him and he didn't want to seem ungrateful. It was wonderful, really. Seeing the ballroom of the palace graced in beautiful candlelight, the curtains drawn back so the rose gardens were visible in the slowly approaching dusk, hundreds of people littered around the room, socializing with one another.

The masks, especially. It was other-worldly to him. He probably knew many of the nobles in the room, but with their faces obscured behind the beautifully crafted accessories, he felt like just another person in the room. For once in his life, he didn't feel like Prince Tadashi. He was just- Tadashi. There weren't any unnecessary eyes on him. People weren't hounding him about trade deals with neighboring kingdoms or trying to appease the future king. It was so refreshing, being able to move through the crowd without stopping him every few steps to introduce themselves and their entire family.

But, word quickly spread throughout the party as the fingers and whispers became almost impossible to ignore. "Yes, that gentleman over there. With the gold Venecian mask. Yes, that's him! That's the prince!" People talked and Yamaguchi knew that it was only a matter of time before he was being swarmed by noblemen. Everyone in the room knew the true intentions of this party. It was the opportunity to attempt to get their daughters married away to the most sought after bachelor in the kingdom.

If I just walk faster, maybe I can-

"Prince Tadashi!"


Yamaguchi turned slowly, his smile just visible beneath his half-mask. "Yes! Hello! Thank you so much for coming," he said, bowing gracefully to the gentleman.

The gentleman gave a deep bow, the two young women giving polite curtsies in his presence. "Your highness, I am Lord Claudius Chavanet of the Gruidor Kingdom. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"No, please! The pleasure is all mine!"

"I would like to introduce you to Lady Catherine Chavanet and Lady Adele Chavanet, my eldest daughters."

"It's wonderful to meet you, Prince Tadashi," the one in the exquisitely painted cat mask says, holding her hand out, fully expecting Yamaguchi to do something other than just stare and smile awkwardly at him. Coming to the realization that he should do something, he takes her hand and gives it a firm shake.

"I'm very pleased to meet you too, Miss Chavanet," he says, continuing to shake her hand enthusiastically. The girl stares at him with a bewildered expression and pulls her hand away, folding them delicately in front of her.

Her sister, not wanting to fall victim to the prince's flustered facade, chooses simply to give him another curtsey. "Thank you for having us, your highness. Happy birthday."

"Thank you for the kind wishes. Now, if you would excuse me," Yamaguchi smiles, thankful that his mask covers his flustered cheeks. Before awaiting their farewells, he has turned on his heels, walking briskly away, desperate to find his parents, his friends, anyone that can maybe shield him from all the unwanted attention.

"Tadashi!" There's a sigh of relief from the prince at the familiar voice of his father. Finally, someone to get me out of here. Yamaguchi turns to make a B-line for the king, but he was sure the disappointment was evident on his face. There was a literal line of people waiting to talk to the king, or rather to talk to the prince.

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