*SPECIAL* Death the Kid - Hands

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This is set in the future when you and Kid are in your 20s or so.  I named the child Knox, you can change it if you want, but that's just how I'm writing it.

He hadn't quite gotten used to it; the new hand against his own.  The size was greatly different from yours, but what did expect from a toddler?  The little boy was skipping along beside him, his shaggy onyx hair that was just beginning to adopt the white stripes, like his father's, swaying back and forth with each jump.  He was almost an exact replica of the young man that you had married except for the shining Y/E/C eyes that never failed to make Kid smile.

The boy, Knox, that's what the two of you had agreed on, stopped suddenly.  "Come.  We're almost there," Kid said, trying to pull the boy along.

Knox simply raised his arms up to his father.  Kid looked to you with an almost helpless expression on his face.  He couldn't deny it.  Knox had him wrapped around his finger.  He bent down, hoisting the child up onto his hip.  You smiled softly, reaching out to take Kid's hand that wasn't securing the toddler.  His fingers instinctively intertwined with your own.  This hand, this hand he knew well.  He had held it in his own many times.  He had grown so used to the feeling that he could tell any stranger where each and every palm line crossed your skin without fail.  He knew the story behind the scars on the back of your hands and he knew the way your fingers curved by memory.  Your hands had brought him comfort through many situations during his life.

Your small family stepped up the stairs of Lord Death's room.  The shinigami turned when he saw the reflections in the mirror.  Kid could almost see his father overflowing with joy.  Death had yet to meet his grandson in person due to his own busy schedule that often conflicted with the schedules of the two parents.

But, today was the day that changed.  Kid put Knox back down on the floor.  "Father," he greeted simply.

"Hi! Howdy! How you doing, Kiddo?  It's been a while.  You've grown up a lot since you were last here.  And, Y/N, aren't you as lovely as always.  You two seem to be doing well."  He gave you what you assumed was supposed to be a smile.  "Now, who's this little one?" Lord Death cooed, making his way around his son to greet the little boy who was holding onto the tail of Kid's coat.

Your son took a single look at Lord Death and ducked behind Kid's legs.  Kid rested a reassuring hand on the top of Knox's head before allowing his fingers  to comb through the boy's hair.  His little hands held desperately onto the fabric of his father's pants.

"Oh dear," Death began, "it sure has been a while since the little one's were frightened of me."

"Yeah... Sorry about that.  He's just a little shy sometimes," you say.

He simply waved off your comment.  "All children are shy at some point.  You don't need to apologize."

Kid knelt down, holding Knox in front of him so he would look Kid in the eyes.  Knox made an attempt to duck his head in the crook of Kid's arm.  "Hey.  Knox?  Look at me.  He'snot going to hurt you, alright?  Daddy would never let anything bad happen to you.  Just say hello.  Can you do that for me?"

The little boy nodded meekly, but not releasing his hold on Kid, so when he got back up to his feet, he had the toddler settled back on his hip.  Death approached Knox once more, slower than the first time.

"Father, I would like you to meet your grandson Knox," Kid said.  Knox gave a small wave at the shinigami who waved happily back.  Your son reached out to grab one of the white spikes on Death's mask making both laugh.  

Death scooped the child into his arms, once again, giving an expression that you assumed to be a smile.  "You're such an adorable little boy.  You look so much like your father did when he was still small and cute.  You are much cuter than he ever was though.  You tell your parents to let you come visit Grandpa Death all the time!"

Kid looked at you with a dejected face.  "Are we just going to ignore that my own father just said that I wasn't cute?"

"Well, I still think you're cute," you say, laughing a little as Kid wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side.  

"Thank you for such an adorable son," he whispers into your ear, kissing both of your cheeks softly.

Okay, so this is obviously not a Haikyuu one shot but, I kind of want to see what you guys think of the idea of me doing a Death the Kid x Reader book?  Or Soul Eater in general?  Would anyone read it if I did?

By the way, I wrote this at like two am, so please excuse any typing errors (I don't like to proof). Well, just comment or message me if you would like more of this, in a separate book, of course.

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