Sakusa Kiyoomi - Lunch Date Memories

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“Omi, did we really have to come all the way up here for a picnic?” You pant, struggling to climb the steep slope of the trail.  You were far behind your boyfriend who seemed less than bothered at the hike.  Yet, you had sweat dripping down your face, knees weak from the constant attempt to keep up with Sakusa’s long strides.  

“It’ll be worth it, I promise,” he says, turning to give you the faintest hint of a smile.  He stopped, letting you catch up to him before slowing down his pace, helping you not-so-elegantly scramble over some of  the particularly large rocks blocking the hiking trail that proved to not be a setback for Sakusa’s incredibly long legs, letting him easily step up and over any of nature’s obstacles.  

And you know what?  He was right.  It was worth it.  The view from the top was the most beautiful thing you had seen in a long time. Trees surrounded you, letting the sunlight filter through layers of leaves, stippling the ground with tiny golden beads of light.  Clumps of wild flowers settled around the edges of the clearing, swaying daintily in the warm summer breeze.  

As you catch your breath, wiping sweat from your chin, Sakusa lays the blanket down on the ground, smoothing down the fabric.  In the least graceful fashion possible, you both flop down.  You lay back, chest still heaving with ragged breaths.  Your boyfriend only hums, looking down at you as he sets out to unpack the bag that carried the bentos he had prepared that morning.

“How are you not even the slightest bit exhausted?” You whine, rolling over onto your stomach, untying the soft purple cloth around your bento as Kiyoomi set two water bottles between you.

“It helps that I’m not a shortie,” he claims, tweaking your nose softly between his fingers.  

“Hey!” You huff, holding your nose and shooting him a soft glare.  He says nothing, just opens his own lunch and begins eating in silence.  For many moments, the two of you sit in comfortable silence, letting the soft gusts of wind tousle your hair in every which way as it brings the sweet scent of flowers towards you.  

Sakusa’s eyes are soft as he examines you.  You’re lost in your meal, lazily scrolling through social media, every now and then lips shifting up in a little smile at a silly meme.  Strands of hair flitting gently as the sun’s rays shined against your skin, casting a warm glow on your delicate features.  It looked like a scene straight from a cheesy rom-com, but it’s not like Sakusa complaining.  He’d happily be the lead in any movie if you were right there with him.  It was beautiful.

You were beautiful.

If someone had told Sakusa when he was in high school that he’d be in love, he would’ve laughed in their faces.  It’s not like he never wanted to be, sure, he had crushes, but most of them were just fleeting interests, lasting only a short amount of time and never really going further than a crush.  Yet, here he was, five years later, sitting across from you.  The first person he had ever truly fallen in love with.  And hopefully, the last.  

It was here, three years earlier, that he kissed you for the first time, holding your soft cheeks between his hands, letting his lips move over yours.  It was awkward and clumsy, noses colliding more than once, and not at all what he had imagined a kiss being like, but it was nice and your lips felt so warm against his.  He never wanted to pull away and if it weren’t for his lungs screaming for oxygen, he never would’ve. 

He had been panting, face flushed, eyelids refusing to open in fear that this was all just some fervent dream.  But, you had softly spoken his name and he had opened his eyes to stare down into yours.  Eyes so full of life and love.  Love for him.  He had to move his thumbs across your skin, just to make sure one last time that this wasn’t a dream.  The feeling of your face underneath his worn fingers brought a smile to his lips.  

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