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Hi! (*^▽^)/ so this is a request from @HimeNyatherine :D Please do enjoy~ Do send some requests, too (^・ω・^ )
Mibuchi Reo
OMG I haven't seen Sei-chan today D: Were you absent, Akashi Seijurou-chan?
3 minutes ago

Hayama Kotarou: Oh yeah, he didn't attend the practice, too...

Akashi Seijurou: I did not go to school because some gonna-be-killed-when-I-see-him wizard must've used some magic, turning me into something that I have never thought of in my entire sadistic life.

Aomine Daiki: Fck. He sounds so angry. Who could've done this thing?

Kuroko Tetsuya: ... why, Akashi-kun? What happened? What did this wizard turn you into?

Akashi Seijurou: Oh he just simply turned me into a lady. Isn't he great? Oh I wanna meet him and talk to him and ohhh what else can we do... hmm... KILL HIM? I feel horrible with these balls on my chest. And the lower half of my body feels so empty and light. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME CAPSLOCKING, ISN'T IT?

Kuroko Tetsuya: ...

Momoi Satsuki: ...

Momoi Satsuki: Oh my god, Aka-chan's mad... :((

Kise Ryouta: Balls on your chest?

Kise Ryouta: Oh wait, I get it now. LOL. XD

Kise Ryouta: Oh shit. I mean, that's bad! Who could've done this to Akashi??

Kuroko Tetsuya: I can't imagine Akashi-kun turning into a girl...

Akashi Seijurou: Oh you want sample?

Akashi Seijurou: Here you go. (A/N: I posted the picture along with the chapter :D)

Aomine Daiki: Damn. They're small.

Aomine Daiki: FCKING SHIT. I MEAN, This is horrible... isn't it? We should look for this wizard!

Kuroko Tetsuya: Hmm... you don't look bad, Akashi-kun. You look... uhhh... pretty.

Mayuzumi Chihiro: and sadistic...

Akashi Seijurou: Well then, Tetsuya, thank you for your complement. And as for you Mayuzumi Chihiro and Aomine Daiki, I'll make sure you two end up like how that wizards gonna be.

Mayuzumi Chihiro: damn.

Aomine Daiki: Fck it. I'm leaving.

Takao Kazunari: Wait wait wait wait wait! Akashi turned into a girl? Hmmm... hey Midorima Shintaro-chan, didn't you use your grandgrandgrandgrandfather's spell book yesterday? You said you'll do some kind of spell, right? I think it was about Oha-Asa's horoscope or something... I dunno.

Akashi Seijurou: ...?

Takao Kazunari: ... OOOOOHHHHH I shouldn't have said that! Oh my god..... oh shit..... I'm so so so sorry Shin-chan..... damn it. I didn't know.

Kuroko Tetsuya: We got the wizard! Yay!

Midorima Shintaro: TAKAAAAAAAOOOOOOO! You fool!

Kise Ryouta: Oh so that's why you were silent this whole time even though you're online... •-•

Akashi Seijurou: ...

Akashi Seijurou: Hey, wizard. Care to explain?~

Midorima Shintaro: I can explain it. Let me type it real quick. I promise.

Akashi Seijurou: Oh look at the time, we don't have time for your explanations anymore~. Open yOUR FRONT DOOR SHINTARO.

Aomine Daiki: Guys. Please. Let us all pray for the soul of our dear friend, Midorima Shintaro...

Kuroko Tetsuya: Amen.

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