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[Hey dudes! xD Okay,some MuraHimu chapter for ya all.  :D Hope you enjoy!]
Murasakibara Atsushi

Am I too tall for you,Muro-chin?
15 minutes ago

  Himuro Tatsuya: No,you are not,Atsushi. Why?

  Murasakibara Atsushi: Because I can see you were having a hard time dancing waltz with me.

  Himuro Tatsuya: Ohh that? I just need to adjust,that's all. But I have adjusted quickly because you are a  very good dancer.

  Murasakibara Atsushi: Thank you. You too,Muro-chin

  Kagami Taiga: Wait.. what is this all about?

  Himuro Tatsuya: We were dancing. Well,we were practicing waltz,you see. We have this upcoming exam and we have to dance waltz with a partner.

  Kuroko Tetsuya: And your partner is Murasakibara-kun?

  Murasakibara Atsushi: That was funny,Kuro-chin. But he is not my partner. He wants me to teach him how to dance.

  Himuro Tatsuya: And Atsushi is a great teacher. I now know how to dance waltz.

  Akashi Seijurou: Apparently,Atsushi,kissing is not part of the waltz.

  Murasakibara Atsushi: You were there,Aka-chin?

  Akashi Seijurou: I decided to see you so we could go to Shintaro and talk for a bit,but then I saw you two were kissing so,I left. I don't want to bother your moment.

  Himuro Tatsuya: I knew someone would see us,Atsushi.

  Murasakibara Atsushi: Okay,I'm sorry... But the flavor of the candy I gave you was still in your mouth. It was sweet.

  Alexandra Garcia: Ohhh... Tatsuya is already growing up. xD

  Kagami Taiga: Go to sleep you two!!! Especially,you Tatsuya!

  Himuro Tatsuya: KJ

  Kagami Taiga: KJ...KJ... whatever!

  Kuroko Tetsuya: Kagami-kun's jealous... he wants a kiss too.

  Alexandra Garcia: I'm coming to your room now,Taiga. Don't worry. I'm going to give you a good night kiss. Come out or I would be the one opening this door for ya.

  Kagami Taiga: KUROOOKOOO!!

  Kuroko Tetsuya: You're welcome.

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