I told you I'm bored... -.-

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Aomine Daiki

10 minutes ago

  Kise Ryouta: hajdhskddlakoejfiebxian

  Aomine Daiki: bwbwixbsiqnpdnownpppwjfi!

  Kuroko Tetsuya: uwidbwlddowndoalsjdjsdjkajdkahdjsjjsjsjshsjsjhdkajxbxiwwozImawesome!bskxbakch


  Riko Aida: asdfghjkl""

  Hyuuga Junpei: blablblanxxlabksdnooednlwmzzkajdosmliloverikoaidabxkbaxbkajxoan

  Riko Aida: sjxbalbdhsjskwjdofhslnxkskdjeeheewpdncckalsilovehyuugajunpeinddkskdnsljod

  Kuroko Tetsuya: axiwjdoaalxjeodbwwbpdnayyiiiiiiieeeeee!

  Midorima Shintaro: wwbxowpapowojfufimemwwlwpakcifjjaImfabulous!jsjxlanxlan

  Murasakibara Atsushi: knxojnpoppppsbpsnxlahxbhkshxowjxos

  Akashi Seijurou: pbdoabdownofififurowkpzzkaoifhejfofnwoffowkoaapwpopjdocnshwguworkc ownsockwfirgdkwlndoe

  Aomine Daiki: asfghkshajalakdhlaj

  Kuroko Tetsuya: xhbahskshkkwkxxlwg

  Kise Ryouta: bslcbsoddospakdblalacsa

  Kuroko Tetsuya: ksbnslanxosjl

  Nijimura Shuzou: Just what langgauge are you using?

  Koganei Shinji: They are using the 'keyboard langguage'

  Izuki Shun: This is worse than Mitobe's langguge.

[Heya! Okay so these three chapter I updated today was pure randomness because I'm bored. And about this chapter, No, I don't understand them either. No, I don't know what I have just typed. Yes, I'm bored. If I'm going to write a random chapter again......... IT WOULD BE MORE RANDOM AND CRAZIER THAN THIS! XD Okay then, Have a great day dearies! Thank you for reading this bored chapter I made. xD]

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