Scary Stories

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Kagami Taiga

My god! Today was such a creepy day!
10 minutes ago

          Kuroko Tetsuya: Why? What happened?

          Kagami Taiga: I saw this long-haired girl in the bookstore. And then she turned her head to see me. I saw her eyes and they were dull,has eyebags underneath her eyes so I can say she was very tired. Then she looked back to the book. Then I looked at her uniform. I think she was from our school. Then my eyes finally landed to her feet. Which was...fading slowly! I looked at her face again and she was already looking at me! I felt scared! She looked at the glass window and noticed that the sun was setting. She looked at me one more time and walked away.

           Aomine Daiki: That's weak compared to me!

           Kagami Taiga: Story please.

           Aomine Daiki: I was placing soap on my face because I was washing my face that time when someone at the back poked my shoulder. Of course I got surprised and scared at the same time so I quickly opened my eyes,completely forgetting about the soap. I turned around to see who it was and relieved when I saw my mom. She said we are out of water because my dad's been fixing something. And then my eyes started to hurt. I remembered about the soap that has now entered my eyes. I shouted in pain and ran everywhere inside the house,bumping things as I do so. I slipped and eventually fell down on the ground. MY EYES WERE BURNING! I heared my mom's footsteps. She poured over my eyes the hot boiling water,she said that was the only water left in the house. I could have died! I was thankful I could still see.

           Kagami Taiga: Ghad! That was terrible! THAT WASN'T A SCARY STORY!

           Aomine Daiki: But it sure made me scream.

           Kuroko Tetsuya: Oh I have one,too!

           Kagami Taiga: What happened?

           Kuroko Tetsuya: I saw a boy in the park playing with his friends. But then he tripped and fell harshly on the ground. I went to help him and saw his knee bleeding. But that's not the only one I saw on his knee. I saw something moving on the wound. I looked closely. It looked like a worm. It was small but anyone who sees it would end up saying the same thing. A worm inside his wound.

            Kuroko Tetsuya: That was it.

            Kuroko Tetsuya: uhh.. guys? Are you still there?

            Kuroko Tetsuya: Guys? Are you there? Knock.knock?

            Kagami Taiga: Oh,This is Alex. Kagami's been inside the bathroom,vomiting. I hope his alright.

           Kuroko Tetsuya: Oh... Now how am I gonna say that I only made that up?

[A/N: I got the idea from the anime 'Danshi Koukusei no Nichijou'. Haha It's a funny anime,you must try it if you haven't watched it yet. See you. :3]

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