She Looks so Perfect

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Kise Ryouta

She looks so perfect standing there
10 minutes ago

         Kagami Taiga: With my american apparell underwear.

         Kuroko Tetsuya: And I know now..that I'm so down.

         Aomine Daiki: Your lipstick stain is a work of art.

         Akashi Seijurou: I got your name written on the funeral.

         Kise Ryouta: ...

         Midorima Shintaro: And we know now... That we'll be dead.

[A/N: The song is titled 'She looks So Perfect' by 5 SOS. lol I really love this song. haha. Anyway, I am also here to tell you that I may not be able to update this week's wednesday to sunday,not just because it's Holy Week but also because we are going out of town and we will be very busy. So I'll try to update more later. ^_^ I'll miss wattpad! >.< And you too guys. haha

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