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Momoi Satsuki

Huaaaaa~ Do I really own this body?! Specifically this chest?!
10 minutes ago

        Riko Aida: Obviously! =_= are you trying to make fun of my chest again?

        Momoi Satsuki: Am I? >.> Not my problem if your chest is like that.

        Riko Aida: I AIN'T FLAT!

        Momoi Satsuki: I didn't say anything. ∩(*´×`*)∩

        Alexandra Garcia: You girls should be thankful that you were given chest like this. Don't be shy to show it. ~_^

        Riko Aida: Don't be shy to show it?! WHAT?! Are you insane?! I won't let anybody see my chest!

        Momoi Satsuki: Yeah! I won't let anybody see mine,too! Not even to Tetsu-kun!

        Riko Aida: You shouldn't really let Kuroko see those!!!

        Araki Masako: I can't believe you girls at all.

        Alexandra Garcia: Hey, Seirin coach, I think you two will become good friends.

        Riko Aida: What do you mean?

        Alexandra Garcia: You know what I mean...

        Araki Masako: you.... I have one,too,you know!

        Alexandra Garcia: invisible. Unlike mine.

        Araki Masako: Let me kill you!!

        Momoi Satsuki: At least Riko has a new friend.

        Riko Aida: You'll see, one day, your chest will give you problems. I swear. I am happy mine aren't big.

        Araki Masako: I agree.

        Alexandra Garcia: plywoods...


        Momoi Satsuki: haha airports.


        Riko Aida: I never really liked mountains!


        Araki Masako: or watermelons!


        Alexandra Garcia: Boys likes us more.

        Momoi Satsuki: Agreed!

        Riko Aida: I don't really care. I want boys who likes not my chest,but likes who I really am.


        Araki Masako: that needs to be agreed! You,young lady, are a genius.

        Alexandra Garcia: Hm? *sighs* That girl has a point.

        Momoi Satsuki: Not bad. ^_^

        Aomine Daiki: Seriously?! Do you really need to talk about your boobs in public? You should have just started a group chat or something! Ghad, your posts!

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