Just a big what

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||Hey~ :3 Sorry for posting a bit late xD Anyway, here's a chapter for xbluEline :3 I hope you like it, Miss Eline :D||
Akashi Seijurou is married to Kuroko Tetsuya
2 minutes ago

Riko Aida: What?!

Hyuuga Junpei: TF?! Son! Why weren't we invited?!

Kuroko Tetsuya: ...

Kuroko Tetsuya: ...

Kuroko Tetsuya: I'm sorry father, mother, but I choose to live with the one I love

Akashi Seijurou: That is right, Mom and Dad, I want to apologise for barging in your house and kidnapping your precious son during midnight and ending up wrecking your doors and windows in the process.


Kuroko Tetsuya: I'm happy with him, my dear parents. Do not worry, if you want your son to be happy, then let him be with the one he loves.

Hyuuga Junpei: Son, we're happy you got yourself a lover. But he didn't need to kidnap you.

Kagami Taiga: Is this some kind of drama again?

Kuroko Tetsuya: I'm happy with my husband, alright? Enough said.

Kise Ryouta: So you mean, after Akashicchi kidnapped you, you two got married???? o(╯□╰)o

Akashi Seijurou: Obviously.

Kuroko Tetsuya: I love him and that's all that matters.

Aomine Daiki: Why does Tetsu sounds like he's being held hostage?

Midorima Shintaro: Because I think he is...

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