The 'God'

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[Eii! I'm sorry for not updating. I have my reasons,okay? It's written on the bottom of the page. xD Anyway, Here is for @DaraPalaypay! ^_^ Hope you enjoy!]


Kuroko Tetsuya

I wish that Kagami-kun would stop being an idiot. Like, seriously Kagami-kun... you're like a giant, walking idiot sometimes... -.-

10 minutes ago

Yato the God: That costs 5-yen.

Kuroko Tetsuya: What?

Yukine: Ehh?! Oii! He didn't call you!

Kuroko Tetsuya: Who are you?

Yato the God: I am --

Iki Hiyori: Yato. Where are you?

Yato the God: Dunno. Anyway, uhh.. Kuroko-san... Give me 5 yen and your wish will be granted. :3

Kuroko Tetsuya: Really?!

Kise Ryouta: What?! Are you sure?!

Aomie Daiki: Can you really change that idiot?!


Kagami Taiga: OIIIII!

Yato the God: Of course I can.

Yukine: You can't.

Yato the God: Shut up.

Kuroko Tetsuya: How are you going you do that?

Yato the God: Trust me. I can do it. Just hand me your 5-yen.

Kuroko Tetsuya: Fine.. here. *hands 5-yen*

Yato the God: Thank you. ^w^

Iki Hiyori: Wait! What?! How did yo--? You're sending your money virtually?

Yato the God: Actually, no. We are currently inside Kuroko-san's house. ;3 Anyway, Kuroko-san, your wish has been heared loud and clear. We're going :3

Yukine: I can't believe we're doing this...

Kagami Taiga: WHAT THE--??? WHY AM I--? WHO ARE YO--??? CUT IT OUT! OOUUCCCHHH!! WHAT?!?!?! NOO! STO-- STOP HITTING ME! OOOUUUUCCCHH!!! this is Alex, currently typing what Kagami's been sceaming because of those two.

Midorima Shintaro: Is this going to work?

Hyuuga Junpei: We sure hope so...


[Okay, so as I have said earlier, I have my reasons as to why I wasn't able to update my stories. First, school(as always) Second, cosplay event (And I get to portray Male!China lol xD) Third, I have to finish the anime CDs my friend lent me. -.-

There! Hope it's all valid (the first one is always valid, though) xD hahaha anyway, I'm going to update "♠The Missing King♤" Maybe tomorrow or... uhh.. It depends, actually. That's all! See ya next chapter! xD


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