Meet their Parents

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[Hey! ^=^ Here's a request from @Love-Pandacat. Here you go! Enjoy please!
Midorima Shinichi- Shintaro's dad
Aomine Kiyuri-Daiki's mom
Kise Ryoka-Ryota's mom
Kuroko Tsukiya-Tetsuya's mom
Murasakibara Shion-Atsushi's father
Akashi Juro-Seijurou's dad.]
Midorima Shinichi

I'm very much expecting my son to become a great doctor like me. I know he'll do good.
10 minutes ago

  Midorima Shintaro:

  Aomine Kiyuri: I want my son to change and be productive sometimes. I mean, look at him, always lying down and sleeping!

  Aomine Daiki: So are you saying you aren't proud of me, mom?!

  Aomine Kiyuri: Maybe yes, maybe no. Why don't you become like Kise Ryoka's son? Her son is very mature. He's even a model!

  Kise Ryoka: Ahh.. c'mon... Daiki is a very nice boy, aren't you,Daiki?

  Aomine Daiki: Of course! So be proud of your own son, mom!

  Kuroko Tsukiya: Kids these days do what they want to do. Maybe we should just let them do what they want then.

  Kuroko Tetsuya: They are just a bunch of idiots,mom.

  Kuroko Tsukiya: Oh god, Tetsu, stop. I did not teach you to talk like that. Who teached you?!

  Murasakibara Shion: I have this hunch that it's Daiki's fault....

  Murasakibara Atsushi: Yes, dad.

  Aomine Kiyuri: I'm not surprised.

  Aomine Daiki: Just how much do you hate me,mom?!

Midorima Shinichi: it's okay.

  Midorima Shintaro: Dad! Don't butt in anymore!

  Kise Ryoka: I think we're still missing someone...

  Kise Ryota: Someone who I know would be here any minute now.

  Akashi Juro: Stop being noisy. I'll let my son handle this thing.

  Akashi Seijurou: Yes dad. Don't worry, I was just looking for my scissors.

  Akashi Juro: Good,son. I leave these things to you.

  Akashi Seijurou: *smirks* Yes, dad.

  Kise Ryota: Oh no....

  Kuroko Tetsuya: ...

  Aomine Daiki: ..

  Kuroko Tsukiya: Why?!

  Murasakibara Atsushi: One word: Hide.

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