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[Hey! This is for @KusanagiMikan16. Hope you like it. Enjoy! XD]
Kise Ryouta

Hey guys! I recently joined a gang named Dollars. It's kinda cool actually. But it doesn't have any goals. And,do you know who the founder is?
10 minutes ago

  Kuroko Tetsuya: Kise-kun,I didn't know you like joining gangs like that.

  Kise Ryouta: No. I told you. This group doesn't have a goal. I believe they aren't bad.

  Izaya Orihara: Ohh.. New member.. Hi there.  ╰(*´︶'*)╯ Welcome!

  Kise Ryouta: You're from Dollars,too? O.O

  Izaya Orihara: Apparently,yes. :D

  Mikado Ryuugamine: W-welcome in the group..Kise-san.

  Kise Ryouta: Oh man,Thanks!

  Aomine Daiki: Look at our Kise,all growing up,having new friends from the new gang he joined.

  Kise Ryouta: Well,now I at least know they are kind. (○´ ω`○)

  Anri Sonohara: Hi...

  Izaya Orihara: Of course we are kind. Right,Mikado-kun?

  Mikado Ryuugamine: H-Hai... Ohh... Sonohara-san... H-Hi...

  Anri Sonohara: Dollars is growing big,huh?

  Kise Ryouta: I heared Dollars really is a very big group. OwO

  Izaya Orihara: Yes. ^w^

  Kagami Taiga: What is your goal exactly?

  Mikado Ryuugamine: The..The founder just wants to have a peacefull group. That's all.

  Izaya Orihara: We respect it.

  Anri Sonohara: Y-yeah..

  Kise Ryouta: I-I see...

  Kida Masaomi: Hey! I just got out for a couple of minutes and I found you chatting with...hey.. he looks like me.

  Kise Ryouta: And our names both start in 'Ki'. O.O

  Kida Masaomi: Cool!

  Kuroko Tetsuya: You are both yellow.

  Takao Kazunari: Hey,I joined Dollars,too!

  Mikado Ryuugamine: That's good to hear.

  Izaya Orihara: Nice. Too bad you two aren't living here in Ikebukuro,though. *smirks*

  Takao Kazunari: All of you are from Ikebukuro... That's too bad. Anyway,I kept telling Shin-chan to enter,too! But he doesn't want to enter. Sad. :(

  Kida Masaomi: It's okay. You don't have to force others to enter our gang. :D

  Midorima Shintaro: My horoscope says to stay away from groups like that.

  Izaya Orihara: You believe in those things?

  Midorima Shintaro: What if I do?

  Takao Kazunari: That's my Shin-chan for ya. :D

  Midorima Shintaro: TAKAAOOO!


  Izaya Orihara: Oh would you look at that? They sound the same. Hi,Shizu-chan.

  Mikado Ryuugamine: Eep! I-It's him!

  Izaya Orihara: Ignore Shizu-chan. Anyway, new comers,do you know there is another group inside the Dollars? Some of them are from the slasher.

  Anri Sonohara: ... *nods*

  Akashi Seijurou: Please stop this noise. It's annoying me. It's starting to get noisy.

  Aomine Daiki: We know a person who is called 'The Cutter'.


  Kuroko Tetsuya: That was just mean,Aomine-kun.

  Akashi Seijurou: Pardon,Daiki?

  Izaya Orihara: Ohh.. look... I think he's fierce.

  Akashi Seijurou: Well,I am.

  Shizuo Heiwajima: Stop ignoring me,IZAYA!

  Izaya Orihara: Looks like it's getting late.. I'm out. You should go to sleep,too,new comers and the others. Good night!

  Mikado Ryuugamine: Uuhhh.. Yes.. Good night!

  Kise Ryouta: Good night guys!

  Akashi Seijurou: Good night. I don't want to see any new comments after this. Understand?

  Kagami Taiga: Yes.

  Aomine Daiki: Understood.

  Akashi Seijurou: Didn't I tell you nobody shall comment after my last comment. What part of that sentence have you not understand? Go to sleep,mortals.


[Hey dudes! In this chapter,I have put Izaya and the other's name by their real names unlike when they are chatting in the anime when they use nicknames. I thought that maybe some of you might get dizzy about it. And apparently,this would be my last crossover for this month. Well,okay, I posted this almost late,I must go to sleep. So,stay awesome dudes! See ya! :3]

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